(David's text is in quotation)
I hate to have to drag this on any further (being it my fist post to this forum), but in the absence of a challenge to David's claim that "God is inferred," somehow, from existence, I feel it is necessary to demand that David demonstrate the inference to God from existence.
Inference: The relationship that holds between the premises and the conclusion of a logical argument, or the process of drawing a conclusion from premises that support it inductively or deductively.
David, may I have an example of God being inferred which falls within the above definition of inference, please?
“…he's necessary as creation from nothing seems bizarre and unlikely.”
Where to begin? Creation is an action that humans attribute to the intentional bringing about of a thing that did not previously exist—a car. A car’s existence is contingent upon
humans bringing it into existence (“creation,” if you will). Another example is this website.
“I consider that to be logically secure,…”
It is logically secure to hold that something from nothing is logically impossible, which is why, a God is, not only not inferred from existence, but also not necessary for existence.
What is, on the other hand, logically impossible, is an existent “nothing.” Since “nothing” cannot exist, it leaves us with no choice but to accept that existence is, was and always will be. From this it is logical to conclude that existence is not contingent.
What I do not know is, was and always will be, is “your” God.
(I know that this is something most of us here are fully aware of.)