| | to further explain my belief, I feel lucky that I had parents who taught me that pride was a good thing (as long as it is under control, i.e. rational), that you should value yourself, but in the process never put down others because of it. I remember getting into arguments with highschool conservative teachers who would say that pride is a terrible thing and leads to al sorts of wrongs in the world (the same teacher who told me that I was just another selfish "liberal" because I believed that people could make a difference and improve their lives and help change the world), I would reply that pride is good, that someone without pride, without self-esteem, doesn't have a true persona, the just allow people to walk all over them and are not the kind of people I would want to be friends with. I also believe that a person with rational, real pride is also humble because they know that they are worthwhile but don't flaunt it, so in that sense, yes, humility is a virtue.