There are spoilers here, but nothing anyone who follows the Star Wars movies that can put two and two together wouldn’t have figured out for themselves.
Okay, Eli, let’s look at the full context of the series rather than falling back to the “movie-with-corrupt-businessman-equals-bad” boilerplate, shall we? The “bad guys” in Star Wars are the Sith - evil, genocidal power-lusters – who employ a variety of useful idiots, including the Trade Federation (who barely get a mention.) Episodes 1-3 is the story of the Sith gaining control of the galaxy through what becomes the tyrannical Galactic Empire of episodes 4-6.
We know from Episode 1 that there can be only two Sith. (There’s a reason for this, not covered in the movies to date, but it’s actually as a consequence of a resounding defeat by the Jedi thousands of years ago.) In Episode 2, one of the Sith is Darth Sidious (aka Chancellor Palpatine), the other is Darth Tyranus (aka Count Dooku.)
Palpatine uses Hitler’s trick of contriving a dire threat to the republic (Dooku’s separatists) to grant him “emergency powers” - powers which ultimately make him the Emperor. The Trade Federation, in league with Count Dooku, finance a droid army, which make the separatists a more convincing threat. This makes it appear that Palpatine has “no choice” but to authorize the clone army, which ultimately becomes the Imperial stormtroopers.
Now, when there are only two of you, and you want to take over the galaxy, you’re going to need money. Maybe Lucas could have come up with a better way to finance the Sith than the nasty, nasty, evil idea of (*gasp*) corrupt businessmen. (Where do you think Al Qaeda gets money from?) And sure, some of the heroes in Star Wars might be “government employees who serve and perform their duties,” but then so are firefighters and soldiers. Regardless, the movie makes some pretty clear statements on the nature of politicians.
As for the fruit, Anakin merely said that Obi Wan (who was confirmed in Episode 1 as being unready for an apprentice) would be “grumpy” if he was caught. And arguably, Anakin turned to the Dark Side when he slaughtered the Tuscans after his mother died - before he and Amidala got married.
Much to learn, you have.