| | To my question as to whether a sperm donor should be responsible for helping to raise the child that results from his sperm, Lee answered:
No, I don't. Totally different situation, where someone is making a full conscious decision to get pregnant and knows that support isn't part of what they are buying. And the person supplying the sperm knows that support isn't part of what they are offering to supply. This is all explicit, contractual, and in writing - no assumptions otherwise. It's very clear cut to me and very different from my made up story.
It only seems to be a different situation because you are mixing up aspects of the legal and the moral and your arguments are a moving target. Let's take what I took to be one of your main arguments. You said:
The kid definately do anything wrong except be born, and should not suffer because you decided something was more important than being involved as a parent. It was okay to have those values pre-baby; post-baby, a paradigm shift is required.
Why are the two situations any different from the kid's point of view? Why isn't there a 'paradigm shift' in the sperm donor case also?
But, a more important point to me is: once the woman finds out she's pregnant and informs the father, then the situation is no different from the sperm donor example. She now knows that if she has the child, no support will be forthcoming. If she decides to go ahead and have the baby, she is in exactly the same moral situation as she would have been if she had used a sperm bank.
Thanks, Glenn