| | I couldn’t find a quiz for which Super Villain you are. So I made up my own quiz and I answered it on the behalf of the following people; here are the results:
Hong: Sinister Sasha, the Sadistically Starved Scientist.
Phil: Mentor Molasses, the Mollifier
George: Wicked Wick, the Whipper
Ed: Anal-mouth, the Ample Amplifier
Roger: Dreary Drone, the Drooling Draconian
Dean: Master Moron, the Mental Masturbater
Robert M: Insipid Ivan , the Intellectual Incontinent
Michael: Snidely Sick, the Sarcastic Sidekick of Sinister Sasha, the Sadistically Starved Scientist.
If I missed any of you then you haven’t been sufficiently wicked enough to draw my attention! So please don’t hold back the villain in you; there is a villain in all of us, its just that in some unnamed forums the participants don’t know it. I will reserve for the them the title of Pretentious Pretenders, the Pandering Perverted Psycho Philistines.
Smugly Snickering,
New Additions:
Joe: Hairy Hornet , the Highbrow Heel
Mike E.: Lavish Lapper, the Licentious
(Edited by Newberry on 3/31, 9:04am)