| | Here are the comments I received by email from a "single issue" voter:
Throughout my (short) career - say, the last 20 years, counting employment starting at age 16, I have never really thought of myself as a "career woman" or someone that is fighting for women's rights. The term "feminist" was never really a word I would have chosen to describe myself. Rather, just like any other man or woman, I went about my business and sought employment based on interest, financial need, etc. While there were a few (can count on one hand) occasions where an employer reminded me in an unnecessary manner, that I was a woman, for the most part I have been treated fairly. I never would have found myself voting for a woman, solely based on the fact that we share the same sex. The issues have always been more important. Financial stability, national security, etc. Until today. Since the introduction of Sarah Palin, I am appalled at how the media and liberal left have done everything in their power to discredit her based on her "lack" of experience - which is ridiculous in the context of Obama's "experience" and based on the fact that she is a woman. How is it that H. Clinton was immune from this attack? How is it that a woman who's run a town, a state, and a family of 5 is somehow incapable because, oh, wait, she's only a "hockey mom"? How is it that in the last week, women, at the hands of the liberal left, have taken a 40 year leap backwards? My dissatisfaction with both the left and the right, the democrats and republicans, as usual, would have lead me to vote 3rd party - the message that I am dissatisfied being more important that electing the lesser of two evils. Not this time. After the treatment of Palin this last week, I will vote McCain / Plain. I have become the dreaded "single issue" voter. I recently saw a blogger described her as "Margaret Thatcher with five kids and a Klondike drawl" while Jonah Goldberg of the conservative "National Review" said: "She was put on this earth to do two things: kill caribou and kick butt. She's all out of caribou." -G