
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 20

Monday, October 5, 2009 - 3:42pmSanction this postReply
This whole thread is just a bunch of Hitler-hating, Nazi, fascist propaganda.


Post 21

Monday, October 5, 2009 - 5:57pmSanction this postReply

You said, "NeoCons, like Hitler, aren't good for man on earth." It was NOT my mind that connected those words!
Hold on, Steve. Word connection isn't totally accurate, it's idea connection or personification of ideas connected. My sentence says that both NeoCons and Hitler aren't good. This is both logical and accurate. Here is the sentence with a substitution to show this the logic and accuracy:

[Headaches], like [cancer], aren't good for man on earth.

There are many ways in which you could have worded your posts differently to show that they shared a small subset of principles, but to very different degrees and for different motives ...
I agree. I didn't spend a great deal of time and care in coming up with my words.

Then you could have discussed that Krauthammer himself is not on a slippery slope - since you have no evidence of where his personal ideological evolution is going ...
You're mistakenly narrowing the scope and thereby missing my point. It's not Krauthammer, it's NeoCon ideology. Krauthammer is merely one of the most popular and vocal NeoCons. That's all he is, a mouthpiece for something which leads to terrible evil and to suffering for man on earth.

You went on to say, "...Hitler best illustrates the eventual evil of NeoCons such as Krauthammer." Are you predicting that this specific man, Krauthammer, will ...
No. See above.

Objectivists look like idiots and unneccessarily turn people away by giving the impression that they believe that someone like Krauthammer is evil in the same way or to the same degree as Hitler.
Okay, but I never said that -- and I even took the time to explain how it is that I didn't say or mean that, and what it is that I am actually convinced of (i.e., ideological slippery slopes -- like Rand talked about, at great length).

Or, do you believe that Yaron Brook's interventionist policies make him on a slippery slope to being an eventual evil - an evil like Hitler?
Yaron's got potential, I have seen it -- but there are safeguards built into the infrastructure of Objectivism (but not built into NeoConservatism) which ought to prevent this from ever happening.

Where is our vaunted intellectual powers of discrimination that let us point out what is evil - the principle, the actions have arisen from that principle - and stop just sloppily painting anyone we don't agree with as Hitler.
I have to assume that you are taking my words in this thread as the example case for this indirect accusation. It's no longer just likely, but it's definite -- I should be given more credit than that.

When I look out over the broken field of American politics I see more advantage in nudging the intelligent conservatives towards Capitalism based upon rational egoism - there are those who WILL take that lead - if we don't lump them with Hitler. There is no compromise in that kind of nudging. And it will yield successes (look at Beck). 
Good point.

On the notion of compromise and piece-meal gains/losses, I agree with Fred -- it's better for Obama to lurch forward toward the hammer & sickle, than it would have been for McCain to have appeased and compromised our freedoms away in a million tiny ways. It's the frog-in-boiling-water example. Counter-intuitively, it is better to be the frog dropped straight into boiling hot water. The chances for survival are better.

NeoCon ideology -- because it is so close to what is actually good for man on earth -- may be more harmful than outright communism. It's like water that only slowly heats up to boil its victims (but it will heat up, and there will be victims).


(Edited by Ed Thompson on 10/05, 9:18pm)

Post 22

Monday, October 5, 2009 - 6:28pmSanction this postReply

Adolf Hitler, Ahmedinejad, Irving Kristol, and other Jewish NeoCon Vampires.

Adolf Hitler's father was a bastard and a Jew. His father's mother's last name was Schiklgruber, that is, "shekel-grubber." Remember that Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 silver shekels. Hitler was a big-government, strong-military NeoCon.

Mahmoud Ahmedinejad was born a Jew. His family changed their last name from Sabourjian (literally Jewish 'prayer-shawl weaver") to Ahmedinejad for business purposes when Mahmoud was a boy. Ahmendinejad is a supporter of a strong military and a mercantilist system of government partnesrhips with big-business.

Then there's Irving Kristol, pictured here in the lower left between Edmund Burke and Whittaker Chambers. (That's Allan Bloom at the top left and Truman Capote on the bottom right.) I mean, come on! Not only did the man found the American NeoCon movement, he looks like a vampire, And I'm not even sure he's really dead!

NeoCons are tricky. These Jews even make alliances with Aryan Gentiles like Glenn Beck to confuse and befuddle good-thinking Episcopalians and other pureblood non-believers into supporting the New World Order of GHWB and his black helicopter flying minions.

Call 1-800-Jew-Phone to order your tin hat today.

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Post 23

Tuesday, October 6, 2009 - 4:53amSanction this postReply
His family changed their last name from Sabourjian (literally Jewish 'prayer-shawl weaver") to Ahmedinejad for business purposes.

They wanted something pleasant and sprightly sounding to the ear that would just roll from the tongue, I guess.

I'd be afraid to ask, what was their second choice, and did it have any consonants at all?

Ahmedinejad: (literally [old] Persian 'drags broken cement mixer across field of broken glass in bare feet')

Post 24

Tuesday, October 6, 2009 - 5:07amSanction this postReply

This whole thread is just a bunch of Hitler-hating, Nazi, fascist propaganda.

Oh yeah? Well, here's how I know that you are a Hugo Chavez supporter:

"Sam Erica" is obviously a bananagram for "S. America" (or "South America"). And ... and guess who comes from South America?

Hugo (friggin') Chavez, that's who.

After all, who would name their son's first name after a boy, but their son's last name after a girl? Now, I know what you are thinking ...

You are thinking that perhaps they chose the 2 names before they knew the gender of the baby (i.e., that they only did it to cover the bases, whether Sam came out as a boy or came out as a girl). But there's something wrong with this equation ...

It was Sam who named himself -- after becoming a staunch Hugo Chavez supporter! So all of this talk about whether his parents knew he was a boy or a girl is really only a distraction! Well, I got something to say to those who are trying to be distracting by making spurious or absurd connections.

I'm watching you, ready to "out" you, the minute I have the proof -- like the above, where I outline in detail Sam Erica's pernicious but unwavering support of a communist autocrat.


Post 25

Tuesday, October 6, 2009 - 6:51amSanction this postReply
As usual. Ed, you got it all wrong.

"Sam Erica" is in the context of "God Bless Sam Erica" — so you can infer that I'm a god-fearin', hallelujah talkin'-in-tongues, bonkin' on the head arthritis cured Christian.  

In spite of what you have alleged, my heroes can all be found here.


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Post 26

Tuesday, October 6, 2009 - 11:40amSanction this postReply
Good one, Sam.


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Post 27

Tuesday, October 6, 2009 - 12:16pmSanction this postReply
HaHa! Truman Capote, now that's a good one Ted.

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Post 28

Wednesday, October 7, 2009 - 4:59amSanction this postReply
The NeoCons...

Wasn't that a lost episode of 'Fireball-XL5?'

"Venus and a bottle of MinWax("provides protection with that classic hand rubbed look") give Col. Steve some unexpected wood on the way to save the NeoCons on Planet Furmunchia."

If it wasn't, it should have been.

Post 29

Wednesday, October 7, 2009 - 6:27pmSanction this postReply

From someone whose avatar looks like a Romulan overlord ...

... that's especially funny.

No offense meant, Fred.


Post 30

Wednesday, October 7, 2009 - 9:15pmSanction this postReply
Ed, do you not realize that you are Master-baiting?

Post 31

Thursday, October 8, 2009 - 4:19amSanction this postReply
I thought he was Master debating?

Post 32

Thursday, October 8, 2009 - 4:59pmSanction this postReply
No, Fred. This ...

... is "Master" debating.


Post 33

Thursday, October 8, 2009 - 8:35pmSanction this postReply
There are definitely worse people than the NeoCons, but that doesn't make the NeoCons our allies.

Recently, I attended a meeting that was advertised as dealing with the latest legal attrocity - the civil gang injunction. 

While a couple of minutes might have been devoted to the announced subject, the entire rest of the time was devoted to various people expounding on their personal gripes and neuroses.

Sometimes, when I was reading AS in 1960, and later "The Fountainhead," I would run accross descriptions of individuals and their motivations that just didn't seem believable.  How could someone who actually hated himself and humanity in general even get to that point without committing suicide, for example?  I had run into my share of evil-doers and malevolent creeps by the age of 12, but never anyone who I could state was purely out to destroy everything of value.  When Rand would describe such a person as anti-man or anti-life, I took that to be an abstract rendering based on implicit principles and outcomes, rather than an explicit philosophical stance.  Recall that when Jim Taggart ultimately did realize the implications of his character and values, it drove him mad.

I was wrong.

One of the presenters at this "Open Mike" event was a "nativist" Indian/Hispanic, with an alleged college degree in the subject of Native American culture, who explicitly advocated the nuking of the entire human species.  Along the way, during the build-up to his final take on the goal of destroying humanity - and all other life beyond cockroaches, for that matter, as that is what "nuking" humanity would logicall entail - he spoke with evident relish about killing priests, businessmen, cops, and, in general, anyone not of his ethnicity (but particularly anyone of white complexion or European ideology), and of blowing up churches, businesses, government buildings, and every other artifact of the evil human species. 

He asked people to please refrain from applauding at his finish, not because he didn't want their gratitude for his showing them the WAY, but because such a display would be inconsistent with his native culture.  People applauded anyway...  Altho, to be fair, I think that many of those who clapped simply didn't understand his English.  He was interweaving English and Spanish, and my Spanish is not good enough to follow what he was saying to the Spanish-only listeners.  I suspect that his vitriol may have been coached differently to them, perhaps systematically disguised.

I didn't applaud, BTW, altho if he had just been a bit more selective on which portions of humanity deserved to be eliminated - FIRST, I might have been tempted...  to applaud and perhaps to volunteer in assisting him - to set a personal example, that is.

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Post 34

Friday, October 9, 2009 - 4:42amSanction this postReply
That's Master debating?

Hmmmph....beats me.

It's not too late to join Who's Who.

is unavailable, but

is available.

You could be either the salt (his name is 'Batchelor') or the pepper(his name is 'Associate').

As a favor, if you find a picture of the Master with a scarf, will you let me know?

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Post 35

Friday, October 9, 2009 - 5:21amSanction this postReply

There was some load of crap on PBS last night about art and artist and their motivations. I only caught part of it, it seemed to be about South American artists and their motivations. Endless white world hatred, loathing, total nonsense. Some babe engineered a giant crack in the floor, to force people 'to look down' and then went on about death while crossing borders and God only knows what blown mind induced incoherence. As she loathed the modern world, she leaned heavily on it to produce her giant crack in the floor art, real technical barbarism. She was the (totally sponsored)powerless speaking to the powerful, and what she was saying didn't require any consonants at all.

You know, the same nonsense taught in every (sponsored)western university for generations.

It first caught my ear because it seemed that these people were talking in total gibberish, totally or purposefully not putting any words together that made any sense. But, what was coming through loud and clear was the absolute festering hatred.

She explicitely associated dreaded 'modernity' with 'whiteness.' 'White Europeans' brought us 'modernity,' and ruined the natural world.

'People of color' everywhere, aka, non-whites, are still victims of colonialism, not their fellow M13 tattoo laden dumbasses. Sure enough, when I read the paper, all I see is 'white people' ganging up, robbing, beating up and shooting 'people of color.'

No, not what she means. She means, even though it is people of color killing people of color, they are only doing that out of a deep, deep, and very late response to Cecil Rhodes and his 'colonialism is philanthropy plus 5%.'

I mean, even though they have never heard of Cecil Rhodes, the hatred remains, as a too accessible, too convenient excuse to stay in the tribal gangland jungle, where it is imagined that dumbassdom fared much better.

Color based hatred is nonsense, pure dumbassdom. The defining attribute of modernity is not whiteness/color. The defining attribute is dumbass or not.

The dumbasses hate modernity, and are nuking it as best they can. It's what dumbasses do.

Unfortunately, one path to power in a pure democracy is to court dumbasses. It's as easy as running downhill-- because that is what it is.

Post 36

Friday, October 9, 2009 - 5:47amSanction this postReply
Good post. Someone should do a movie on "Dumbassdom" to make the point.

I don't think Michael Moore should be allowed to direct (too close to the subject).


Post 37

Saturday, October 10, 2009 - 8:12pmSanction this postReply
Not exactly one of Beck's Best.

Sometimes Beck drives me up the wall.  He's right about not counting illegals, but totally equivocates the "why."   He's a friend of liberty, but anti-big business?  Whatever.

When does Stossel premier his gig at Fox?

Post 38

Saturday, October 10, 2009 - 9:20pmSanction this postReply
Stossel is joining the Fox Business Network (I don't receive it), not Fox News although:

Stossel will also appear regularly on the FOX News Channel, and will produce a series of one-hour specials for FOX News. His blog, “Stossel’s Take,” will be published on both FOXBusiness.com and FOXNews.com.


It will debut in the fourth quarter of 2009 in FOX Business’s prime-time lineup.


Post 39

Saturday, October 10, 2009 - 10:15pmSanction this postReply
To "bait" someone is to taunt them. There is an ancient pastime that involved poking (then killing, of course) a tied up ursine, called bear-baiting. It you bait the master, then you are master-baiting. This is much funnier, contextually just as appropriate as, and better English than "master-debating."

Of course your forcing me to explain the joke kills it, but you will be able to use it properly next time you meet a Doctor Who fan who tortures animals for fun.

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