| | There are definitely worse people than the NeoCons, but that doesn't make the NeoCons our allies.
Recently, I attended a meeting that was advertised as dealing with the latest legal attrocity - the civil gang injunction.
While a couple of minutes might have been devoted to the announced subject, the entire rest of the time was devoted to various people expounding on their personal gripes and neuroses.
Sometimes, when I was reading AS in 1960, and later "The Fountainhead," I would run accross descriptions of individuals and their motivations that just didn't seem believable. How could someone who actually hated himself and humanity in general even get to that point without committing suicide, for example? I had run into my share of evil-doers and malevolent creeps by the age of 12, but never anyone who I could state was purely out to destroy everything of value. When Rand would describe such a person as anti-man or anti-life, I took that to be an abstract rendering based on implicit principles and outcomes, rather than an explicit philosophical stance. Recall that when Jim Taggart ultimately did realize the implications of his character and values, it drove him mad.
I was wrong.
One of the presenters at this "Open Mike" event was a "nativist" Indian/Hispanic, with an alleged college degree in the subject of Native American culture, who explicitly advocated the nuking of the entire human species. Along the way, during the build-up to his final take on the goal of destroying humanity - and all other life beyond cockroaches, for that matter, as that is what "nuking" humanity would logicall entail - he spoke with evident relish about killing priests, businessmen, cops, and, in general, anyone not of his ethnicity (but particularly anyone of white complexion or European ideology), and of blowing up churches, businesses, government buildings, and every other artifact of the evil human species.
He asked people to please refrain from applauding at his finish, not because he didn't want their gratitude for his showing them the WAY, but because such a display would be inconsistent with his native culture. People applauded anyway... Altho, to be fair, I think that many of those who clapped simply didn't understand his English. He was interweaving English and Spanish, and my Spanish is not good enough to follow what he was saying to the Spanish-only listeners. I suspect that his vitriol may have been coached differently to them, perhaps systematically disguised.
I didn't applaud, BTW, altho if he had just been a bit more selective on which portions of humanity deserved to be eliminated - FIRST, I might have been tempted... to applaud and perhaps to volunteer in assisting him - to set a personal example, that is.