| | Over in Dictionaries, Shayne Wissler wrote: Michael calls you on being pretentious and taking gratuitous pot shots at Ayn Rand and you respond like this! Now *that's* funny.
I'm glad that we are all having a good time. If you aren't enjoying yourself, you are missing out.
Say, did you hear the one about Descartes? He was in a tavern, drinking pretty hard, and about 1:50 am, the barkeeper asked him if he wanted one more for the road and Descartes said, "I think not." and just ceased to exist.
Q: How many Objectivists does it take to change a light bulb? A: Either one or none.
OK, three guys are standing in the unemployment line. Which one is the Objectivist? The one blaming the other two for the existence of unemployment benefits.
No, but seriously, folks, it's great to be here. Hey, how many were late getting here tonight? Was it the bridge or the tunnel?
How about that Comet, eh? I was riding in from Chicago and who was next to me but Wesley Mouch. No kidding. So, I said, "You know, we could eliminate poverty by enacting a 100% tax on all incomes under $50,000 and having Zero taxes on income over $50,000. So, that gives everyone an incentive to make more money." And he says, "Tell you what, how about we just print off 300 million $50,000 bills and mail them out to everyone." Get it? Got tell you, folks, he had me going there for a second, that Wesley, what a sense of humor. <silence>
Ok, well, tough audience... Well, it's getting late. Anyone got a cigarette?