
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 9:56amSanction this postReply
This is hysterical.


Post 1

Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 12:14pmSanction this postReply
I sent an e-mail to the Bob Jones Institute quoting Luther's letter from them. This is what I got in reply:

Dear Paul,
Thank you for contacting the Dr. Bob Jones Institute. I personally cannot recall which group you are or represent since Jesus is so displeased with almost everyone except the Dr. Bob Jones Institute. But per your question, lets remember the axiom: if God be with us, who can stand against us?!

Remember to keep abreast of all BJI issues at    www.docbojo.com . A real barn burner soon to be posted is 'How to know if you are really born again' (since many backslide). There is a medical test of a dental nature and BJI will be selling that to the Christian public pretty soon and just posted find out 'Why Christ says Cross Burning is  a good thing and how come the KKK has gotten such a bad rap' from the leftist homos that work tirelessly for Satan. Tell your friends also cause we appreciate it. If you don't, you risk being smote.

Best regards and remember to dismantle your webpage promptly as BJI has warned you.

In Christ~
michael c. kelley
dir. of operations, BJI

Post 2

Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 6:11amSanction this postReply

I just received this e-mail today:
From: "Mike Kelley" <oliander@hypertech.net>  Add to Address Book
To: LutherSetzer@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2005 07:56:31 -0600
Hello again from The Dr. Bob Jones Institute    www.docbojo.com
Previously your website and/or organization was ordered to CEASE and DESIST by the Dr. Bob Jones Institute for being Biblically errant. Our BJI Board of Theological Scholars had found you to be outside our perimeters of accepted CHRISTIAN THEOCRATIC  accountability and well on your way to HELL. These conclusions were based upon the direct commands from our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. I, as Director of Operations at the BJI am only the messenger and it was my duty to so inform you. You were given an opportunity to bring your thinking into line with the CORRECT dogmatic precepts of BJI as directed by Christ and we are pleased to announce that YOU have been judged to have done so. These conclusion are based on the many apologetic and confessional responses this office as received from your ilk. Also, Christ is a compassionate and forgiving MASTER and he has made known to the Board of Elders BJI on CORRECT THEOLOGY those that HE hath forgiven for past indiscretions. Some of your organizations were actually ATHEIST groups but JESUS in his LOVE for you has granted forgiveness just as he did the whores and common criminals he forgave in the days HE was upon this earth. Praise HIS NAME and you are darn lucky as I personally would not have been so kind.  Consequently, we now announce you may re-establish your WebPages/Organizations AND AS A SPECIAL REWARD for your 'seeing the light' as JESUS so ordered you through BJI, your webpage and/or organization shall now be posted at    www.docbojo.com  as a link to our powerful CHRISTIAN THEOCRATIC ORGANIZATION. You will find your name listed on the BJI Home page  LIST OF LIFE. You are now a whole hearted supporter of the Dr. Bob Jones Institute as is the Bob Jones University and so many others. You have been FORGIVEN! God bless you and congratulations.
michael c. kelley
director of operations, BJI

This must be some kind of joke.

Luke Setzer

Post 3

Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 9:13amSanction this postReply
This must be some kind of joke
I doubt it. These guys are wacko.


Post 4

Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 12:17pmSanction this postReply
Are you guys saying this is for real?

Hell! And we thought the ARI was bad!

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Post 5

Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 7:53amSanction this postReply
Well, it looks like we're back in god's good graces. I think Luke used the Force and all the planets are in proper alignment.... I think that guy is a crackpot and has been spending way too much time pondering purple teletubbies.  I don't think he is the official spokesman for any organization except his own self-proclaimed stink tank considering that his email address is oliander@hypertech.net and not nutter@bobjones.org or something more official looking like that. Thanks to all of you who wrote him in our defense.  I was almost starting to fear the wrath of god when my bush out front was flattened by ice falling off my house. I have seen the frozen bush and it said to me  "god bless us everyone!"

Post 6

Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 7:16amSanction this postReply

The site evidently is a parody according to these two e-mails I just received:
> From:                 [DELETED]
> Sent:                 Thursday, January 27, 2005 9:10 AM
> Subject: Bob Jones Institute is listing your e-mail address
> http://www.docbojo.com/announcements/contrition.html
> Bob Jones Institute has your e-mail address in a list of supposedly
> repentent people.  You may want to ask them to stop using your name.

I have to apologize for the previous e-mail.  It seems I was fooled by a parody.

The Bob Jones official website is at http://www.bju.edu not http://www.docbojo.com .

Luke Setzer

Post 7

Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 5:37pmSanction this postReply
My first thought on looking at the Bob Jones Institute site was that they were trying to undermine some other like-named organization by means of exaggeration, but I wasn't interested enough to investigate. Not that the real organization is much better.

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