| | "I figure that if there is a God, he has to be an Objectivist :-) "
No way! Margaret Thatcher is in charge :-) .................................................... Through some cosmic fluke, Reagan, Thatcher, and Gorbachev all died on the same day. Off they went to the gates of Heaven. Peter, seeing that these were all VIPs, sent them straight off to the Almighty. God, sitting on his throne, called up Reagan. "Ronald, my son, what have you to say for yourself?" "I tried to improve the US economy," replied Reagan, "and I did my best to benefit the nation." "Very well, my son, come up and sit beside me at my right hand." And so Reagan sat at his right. God then called up Gorbachev. "Mikhail, my son, what have you to say for yourself?" "I tried to make Soviet society more open," replied Gorbachev, "and I did my best to improve the Soviet economy." "Very well, my son, come up and sit beside me at my left hand." And so Gorbachev sat at his left. God then called up Thatcher. "Margaret, my daughter, what have you to say for yourself?" "Only two things," replied Thatcher. "First of all, I'm not your daughter. Secondly, get out of my chair!"