
Rebirth of Reason

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Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 5:57pmSanction this postReply
At first, I was trying to figure out what the photos, clip art, and quotes of this silent video were supposed to mean.

After going through it a few times, I finally figured out that there is apparently a barely-audible narration that goes with it. It's too soft for me to make out, but it is there.

Can anyone else make out the narration?

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Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 9:13pmSanction this postReply
It must be with your presentation layer. Mine was fine.

I tried to find another one of these.  There was an earlier one that quoted Kant on Reason and Individualism.  If I find it, I will post the link, of course.

Ayn Rand has been criticized for apparently never actually having read Immanuel Kant.  I tried.  I tried in German and in English.  He is incomprehensible in either language.  However, his essay on Individualism does get reprinted in philosophy books.

An aside... Does anyone remember the old Outer Limits?  There was one story in which an amusement park rocketship turned out to be a real spaceship, offering the people on board a chance for a new life... which they declined.  The "captain" was reading Critique of Pure Reason in German.  His stewardess saw him and asked him about it, about who is was before he joined the carny, that he would be reading Kant's Critique of Pure Reason in the original German... which meant, of course, that she could read it, too.... or at least the title....  anyway, that angle was not pursued in the story 

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