
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Sunday, February 1, 2009 - 10:29amSanction this postReply
I sanctioned this post, but ...

What exactly is "common sense"?

Many in the world considered it "common sense" to elect Obama.

Many in the world consider it "common sense" to follow the economics of Keynes.

The harsh reality is that what many call "common sense" is:

1. neither common nor sensible;
2. not common but sensible;
3. common but not sensible.

That said, Ayn Rand respected the term in this way:

"Americans are the most reality-oriented people on earth. Their outstanding characteristic is the childhood form of reasoning: common sense. It is their only protection. But common sense is not enough where theoretical knowledge is required: it can make simple, concrete-bound connections -- it cannot integrate complex issues, or deal with wide abstractions, or forecast the future."

"Don't Let It Go," Philosophy: Who Needs It, 211.

(Edited by Luke Setzer on 2/01, 10:29am)

Post 1

Sunday, February 1, 2009 - 1:42pmSanction this postReply

The questions you ask are exactly what make the joke funny. Everyone thinks that they have "common sense", while at the same time thinking that, in others, it is neither "common" nor "sensible". That's why it's your special super power! But shush, keep it quiet. You don't want anyone else to discover your secret identity.

More seriously, I would say that common sense is the application of unsystematized knowledge that is acquired from direct life experiences. This is in distinction to a body of knowledge that has been analyzed and consciously integrated into a interrelated hierarchy which is then applied through a process of analytical reason. In general, common sense is applied by "feeling" that a course of action is correct while uncommon sense is the application of focused reason.

I do agree that it was "common sense" that got BO elected.


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Post 2

Sunday, February 1, 2009 - 2:41pmSanction this postReply
I disagree, Jeff. Common sense is genuine thinking on a subject, thinking that considers the generally available facts. Common sense is contrasted with the opinions of people who have an ulterior motive, or who are otherwise rationalizing. It's what we mean when we say that someone is "sensible." So common sense is thinking for yourself, at that basic level of common experience (as you did say.)

I think it is giving too little credit to say it is a "feeling," based on experience. One of the earmarks of common sense is that the person can say immediately and without trouble why "it's" right. The sort of thing you seem to be talking about is the sheep-minded, leave-the-vegetables-out-in-the-sun opinion of Dagny's hopeless grocer. She "felt" that was right, because, in her experience, that was how it was always done.

Common sense is virtuous, and goes a long way to making one's life moral. It isn't deeply analytical, but it is unvaryingly factual. Would we all were so unvaryingly factual!

Post 3

Sunday, February 1, 2009 - 2:51pmSanction this postReply

(Edited by Ted Keer on 2/01, 3:47pm)

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Post 4

Sunday, February 1, 2009 - 3:26pmSanction this postReply
The modern meaning of "common sense" is quite different from what Aristotle meant by the Greek word translated as "common sense" (link).

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Post 5

Sunday, February 1, 2009 - 3:48pmSanction this postReply

Common sense is the ability to induct for yourself. It is the ability to come to a new conclusion without having someone else walk you through it or do the thinking for you.

If people had common sense, they would figure out things on their own. The big lie would not work. The leftist media would be out of business.

Post 6

Sunday, February 1, 2009 - 7:20pmSanction this postReply
I'll stand by what I said in Post #1, but I wanted to clarify one thing based upon the comments of Mindy and Ted. I think there might be a presumption that when I characterized "common sense" as knowledge applied by "feeling", I was saying this in a disparaging way. That is not the case. Feelings are a physiological response to one's integrated values, and generally, our feelings help guide us towards behavior that is good for us by being in alignment with those values. So, when I speak of common sense, I have a healthy respect for its utility. What I was characterizing in Post #1 was the difference between common sense that is somewhat intuitive as opposed to rational analytic thought that one consciously controls. I do give a strong preference to the latter because it allows errors to be identified and corrected more readily than can be done at a more intuitive level.

Ted, I understand and appreciate your equating "common sense" with inductive reasoning, but this is certainly not what I have always understood "common sense" to mean. Which gets me thinking at a meta-level about this discussion itself. I think our differences here are, as I see it, an application of common sense itself! Unlike Merlin's reference to Aristotle*, we are not appealing to a definitive authority for our understanding of what "common sense" actually means. Instead, we each bring our own common sense understanding of the term to this discussion, and clearly, those views differ. And that was exactly my second point in Post #1. Common sense for one person will vary from that of another, precisely because the circumstances, experiences and values of people differ. What's makes sense for one, does not necessarily make sense for another.

Finally, with regards to the election of BO, I do think that many people voted in the past election based upon a feeling rather than upon a rigorous assessment of the consequences of proposed policies. "Change" and "Hope" are intellectually contentless proclamations, and appeal only to emotion, yet resonated with countless people. As Luke said, I do believe that many people believe that voting for BO was the common sense thing to do, and I do think that his appeal comes from a "feeling" of what it would be like to have a smart, articulate president in place of a bumbling, rudderless idiot. I think these feelings trumped careful reasoned consideration of the consequences of what BO was saying on specific policy issues. Maybe you do not think this example is an appropriate use of the term "common sense", and that's OK with me. I just wanted to make clearer what I was saying.


* Merlin, thank you much for that link. I was unaware of this identification by Aristotle, so I have learned something new and important today.

Post 7

Sunday, February 1, 2009 - 8:26pmSanction this postReply

What I said, Jeff, was merely an inductive identification of the truth - an application of common sense - not a restatement of conventional meaninglessness.

I repeat my discovery:

Common sense is the ability to induct for yourself. It is the ability to come to a new conclusion without having someone else walk you through it or do the thinking for you.

Post 8

Sunday, February 1, 2009 - 8:44pmSanction this postReply

Whatever. I've got no idea what you are talking about.

Post 9

Monday, February 2, 2009 - 9:42amSanction this postReply
Whether you mean to or not, Jeff, you give common sense a bad name.
It endorses Obama to say people voted for him out of common sense. Common sense is a heads-up, right-thinking state of mind, laudable every time. It doesn't go deep, I grant you, it doesn't get in analyses and higher abstractions, but that just speaks to its range of application.

Post 10

Monday, February 2, 2009 - 10:20amSanction this postReply
The problem is, tho - people did not vote FOR Obama so much as they voted AGAINST anything Bush-ish....

and THAT was the change...
(Edited by robert malcom on 2/02, 10:21am)

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Post 11

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 - 3:16pmSanction this postReply
Here's another take on common sense. Enjoy.


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