
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 40

Thursday, January 20, 2005 - 3:16pmSanction this postReply
[Well, I've triple-posted. Such a situation should be dealt with by substituting afterthoughts, such as: Reviving old threads brings attention to good articles.]

(Edited by Rodney Rawlings on 1/20, 4:25pm)

Post 41

Thursday, January 20, 2005 - 3:17pmSanction this postReply
[Reading old threads lets one see what ground has already been covered on a topic; if you revive them, your new comments will be in context, and can thus be shorter and more efficient. It is also a good way to get acquainted with the personalities here, and to see some of the history.]

(Edited by Rodney Rawlings on 1/20, 4:30pm)

Post 42

Thursday, January 20, 2005 - 7:49pmSanction this postReply
Hi Rodney good to see you around again.  :-)


I think your right, when I saw the movie I thought it was great.  The villians are examples not of evil capitalists.  In fact I think the villians in this movie are similar as you said to the villians of Rands novels.  I will give a more detailed run down tommarow, I must be off to bed now. 


Post 43

Friday, January 21, 2005 - 5:19amSanction this postReply
Hi Eric, and thanks.

This is a movie I definitely intend to see.

Post 44

Sunday, March 20, 2005 - 1:01amSanction this postReply
I'm just discovering the site, and wanted to comment on the use of technology in "The Incredibles".

I don't think that Syndrome's plan to sell technology that would "make everybody super" was particularly offensive to Mr. Incredible, or to anyone else in the movie. I do think that Syndrome was speaking through his own twisted view of reality when he taunted Mr. Incredible with that "threat", because he probably felt that Mr. Incredible would find the idea repugnant. Maybe that idea was based on how Mr. Incredible reacted when young Buddy presented himself as a sidekick at the beginning of the movie -- Syndrome may have assumed that Mr. Incredible ignored his genius then because he felt threatened by anyone else being "incredible". And so, to Syndrome, the obvious way to ultimately hurt Mr. Incredible would be to take away the thing he valued most; his "incredibleness".

I don't think that it would really have bothered Mr.Incredible very much at all -- in fact, he might have found it liberating, since he would have been able to use his abilities in the open, without even a mask.

But of course, Mr. Incredible would view as a deadly enemy anyone who would kill so many heroes, and plot to kill countless others, simply to see himself elevated to hero status. Not only had Syndrome committed acts of wanton murder, he was perverting the very idea of what it meant to be a hero.

The irony is that if Syndrome had taken Edna Mode's path, he probably would have gotten everything he wanted, all the attention and acclaim, but legitimately.

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