| | He would have been better, had he been a genius like Danneskjold ;)
But it is the same everywhere. There is the famous Formula One racing star, Michael Schumacher, who has most of his money brought outside of Germany, because of the high taxes he would face (and unlike other rich people, he can't add his taxes to his company, because he has none).
But in the end, I don't know what to make of this story. I felt excited, because he tried to do something that would be in a reasonable world just, but I also felt it to be an injustice for all the other people, who constantly pay their taxes. Also, it is horrible to see to what length people have to go nowadays to secure your own earnings. Just think about what would happen, if the US finally adopted an ID card system like the one we have here in Germany, that'd give the whole game a new twist...