| | Actually its the right who are the heir's to the old liberals, even if they don't act like it a lot of the time. Liberals believed in the supremacy of indivisual rights and a minimization of the government. Not that there is a huge difference but who is more like that today?
It is the lefists who are decendents of monarchy and statism. The left believes in the supremacy of the state (monarch)and it being the primary decision maker in our lives. Thats why the left is so strong in Europe, they simply substituted the monarchy for the state. And that why its so weak in America, we rejected the monarchy and we (mostly) reject the left, at least to a much greater extent then in Europe.
Have you ever read Murray Rothbard's "Left and Right: The Prospects for Liberty"? If not, I seriously recommend it.
The American Revolutionaries and those sympathetic to them in Britain were considered to be on the Left. Only during the FDR years and early Cold War was the "Old Right" — as they've retrospectively been labeled — more anti-State than the "Old Left." In the last 30 years, Republicans on the Right have been much more statist, at least in their actions, than the Democrats.
The Right in America has historically been for Big Business and Big Government. The American Left used to be for liberty, until it was detailed at the turn of the 20th century.
As for guns on planes, its simply to great a risk and nowhere near outweights the cost. You won't find any stronger advocate of gun rights then myself, I own four of them and gotten into 'disagreements' with the law over them (Don't worry, I was never arrested :)" My point is there is a reason we have guns, to achive some end. Most noteably is for self defense but if in a perticular circumstance guns are counter-productive, then we shouldn't use them.
With all due respect, I can find a stronger advocate of gun rights than you: me. I believe in no gun laws whatsoever — no waiting lists, no registration, no limits on how many of what kinds of guns or ammo you can buy, own or carry, and no government-imposed age restrictions. And I oppose restrictions on guns on planes.
The fact is, guns on airplanes have little cost. Before the 1970s, Americans had guns on airplanes, at little cost. The most recent obvious cost of not having guns on airplanes was the murder of 3,000 human beings on 9/11. Even 100 accidental shootings on planes wouldn't have approached such horror.
And, again, even if guns on planes is a dangerous idea, it is the right of the airline to make that decision. Any restriction on that is a violation of American liberty, individual sovereignty, the free market, and the Bill of Rights.
I guess I'm just a little left of you on this issue. ;)