| | I agree that we have a problem with obesity, but in a private social system, this wouldn't be a problem (everyone would pay for his own sins). On the other side, one of the famous measurements, the BMI, is just pure crap, because even Hollywood-Beauties can get into the Obese area (Johnny Depp or Arnold Schwartzenegger f.e.). So, how do we define obese? What is the mark that seperates normal from obese?
I still have a problem with this, because it is healthy to have some fat. The trend of super-slim models is a problem, because to be so thin has many risks for the health system (as many as being really really fat). So, I think there are many people with "big bones", who are considered fat already, but are not. However, there is a huge problem with the next generation. When I look into the Kindergardens, I see many children who look like aerobic balls rather than human people. This is the audience we should target, imo.