| | There is some evidence that the causes for the difference between Aspberger's brains and normal brains are genetic. It sure runs in my family.
The matter is under careful study and it will be resolved sooner or later by scientific means.
Can you cite some of that evidence? I would be interested in examining it, and seeing how much, if at all, it differs from the typical confusing of cause and effect that most behavioral scientists associate with 'evidence'
You and every one in your family could exhibit Asperger like symptons for reasons other than genetic, your eldest son, for instance, could have just behaviorally adopted many of your mannerism, the 1st born of any family is always the most likely to be idealogically similiar to their parents, later born children or more likely to differ. The more older sisters you have the more likely you are to be gay, this seems to be partly embryonic (changes in the makeup of the amniotic fluid) and partly environmental. The most startingly spectacular thing about Einstein's intellect was that each and every one of Einstein's children was spectacularly average.
The fact is that in the end, Aspberger brains (like mine) are different from normal brains (like yours). It is the difference that matters more than the cause.
True, but understanding the cause is certainly important in coming up with proper therapy, is it not? If this is a genetic thing, gene therapy would eventually work, if it is not, gene therapy would do absolutely nothing. If it is the result of behavioral choices made throughout life, or, more critically, during the years of the most physiological development, then 'fixing' it would require something entirely different, a directed and concetrated effort at understanding and then habitulizing different social behavior.
There is no immaterial mind anywhere in or near my body. I have the scans to prove it. I am material down to the subatomic level. In grosser terms, I am a hairy bag of mostly water with a little sodium and potassium dissolved. There is not an iota of spirit in me. I have no mind. I have no soul. I am all flesh
Your material determinism is part of the reason why you so willingly adopt this 'syndrome' I am right in guessing that you have a hard time reconciling free will with material reductionism?
My intellect does not work like yours...It is only through practice and craft that I can pass for human. You can read between the lines with no training. It took me years to achieve that. I was socially clueless until I was nearly an adolescent. You achieved a social sense with hardly any effort. I was literal minded (and still am) from the time I could talk (which was about 10 months old). I still have to work at "reading between the lines" and I have to fight my natural tendency toward being literal
I have the same tendancies, which is why someone suggested I might have aspergers, I am extremely literal, to a fault in some social situations, and have difficulty 'reading between the lines' as you say. This is no doubt a major reason why I have thoroughly enjoyed reading scientific and technical non-fiction throughout my life, however, learning this new skill of allegory and metaphor, where reasonable, has given me a new and profound joy of things like good poetry, which it takes me a much longer time to read than the most complicated technical works. Once I understood this particular thing which I did not like, I engaged in an active effort to rectify it, I did not say 'well, it's just how I am' or now 'well, I just have Aspergers' And after this active effort for a few years these sings became routine, and then habitualized, and are now much more 2nd nature to me.