| | I went to a Catholic school at which the Christian Brothers beat the students mercilessly! One incident, though by no means the only one, which I'll always remember involved a student who was attacked and beaten by a Christian Brother who simply didn't like him. The kid had long hair and wasn't a very conscientious student.
The kid was sitting in the lunchroom quietly eating his lunch when I saw the Christian Brother approach him and, without provocation, hit him in the head with a closed fist and then began pummeling him. The teacher knocked the kid off his seat and onto the floor and continued to beat him until he got tired. The kid, who was perhaps 15 at the time, was covering up and, thinking the beating was over, dropped his guard, at which point the Christian Brother kicked him viciously in the head, and I saw a jet of blood burst from the student's ear and travel about 10 feet. Evidently, the blow had severed an artery.
Nothing was ever done about the beating, which was not the only one administered by this particular teacher, because the faculty had the students terrorized, and because the parents thought that the Christian Brothers, as God's representatives on earth, had the right to punish their children for disobeying them, just as God had the right to punish people for disobeying him.
Other teachers would routinely hit students in the head for relatively minor offenses like talking in class. None of this was ever reported to the authorities. And this was not Ireland; it was the United States.
A man from Nigeria, who went to a Catholic school there, told me that the Irish priests would take the black students out in back of the school and whip them for misbehaving.
A woman who lives in my apartment building told me that when she was in a Catholic grade school, the nuns would beat one of the slower students every day for doing poorly on her school work. The poor girl was having trouble learning and every time she underperformed on a test or on her homework, she would get beaten with a paddle. This happened on a daily basis.
Lovely religion, and it still commands a sizable percentage of the world's population.
- Bill