| | Ladies and Gentlemen,
We need to do more with pigs. These wonderful animals that contribute so much to fine cuisine are our natural allies in our cultural war with Islamic fundamentalists. I want to see a porcine petting zoo next door - and hot dog stands - and the sale of bacon, spare ribs, and all things made of pig skin. Lets ask the gay community to lend a hand as the clerical staff that touts the goodness of the pig. If they can get permits to build a place to preach hatred of non-believers why shouldn't a permit be given to the place next door for hog raising? I'd happily walk a pet pig up and down that street on a leash. Wouldn't you? :-)
Bernard Lewis, writing in The Middle East, page 167, says, "The pig, so important in the husbandry of other civilizations, was excluded by the taboo which Islam shared with Judaism. Some historians have even argued that the pig set the geographical limits of Islamic expansion, when the Muslim conquerors reached Spain, the Balkans, and western China. Despite centuries of Muslim rule in these lands, the Muslim faith did not take root among their pig-rearing and pork-eating peoples."
They are using our sensitivity and political correctness against us. We have to toss aside any and all such nonsense in this war. When people keep their foolishness to themselves, they deserve to be left to stew in said foolishness. But these fundamentalists won't do that. They won't be happy till all the rest of are dead or submit to total control. Their beliefs are stupid... really, really stupid and these people deserve to have their noses rubbed in them till they recognize that it is better to stop waging a cultural war with us.
Maybe I should send a copy of this post to the Imam, by snail mail, and include this sentence at the bottom, "This paper is manufactured from byproducts of the pork industry."
(Edited by Steve Wolfer on 8/27, 5:18pm)