
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 20

Sunday, September 5, 2010 - 6:23pmSanction this postReply

Please show me where I said that all Muslims are my enemy. Is it fair to put words in my mouth like that? Didn't I say in post #13, "I don't hate Muslims. Like I said, that is a different thing. I did not paint all Muslims with the same brush and never would." I made a clear distinction between Muslims (individual people) and Islam (a set of beliefs based upon written works).

You said, "Suppose the pastor and the others at the church next door were all wackos and all think burning your place down was a good thing becasue they wanted your land? Would you then go out and rail against all christians in town and everywhere, even at other churches? How about christianity in general?"

Do you really think that is ANYTHING like what I've written? If so, please show me where. I am opposed to Christianity - have been for nearly half a century. I don't like mysticism, altruism, or collectivism.

You said, "Literature does not make one a terrorist. Owning Atlas Shrgged and liking some of it doesn't make you an Objectivist."

I never said that literature made someone a terrorist. A terrorist is someone that acts upon certain ideas they hold (like killing infidels to further the holy jihad). To be an Objectivist means understanding and agreeing with a certain set of fundamental principles.

I liked that scene on YouTube that you showed where President Bartlett gave a sharp tongue-lashing to the talk-radio Christian lady. I think it is what should be done to all religious fundamentalists, frequently and publically so that the young can learn. Anything less in this day is perilously close to a sanction of the evil.

"A peasant must stand a long time on a hillside with his mouth open before a roast duck flies in." And a people will wait in vain for a rational and civil culture to fall into their hands from a magical tree. If we don't fight for a civilized and rational culture, we're not likely to have one. I find your remarks more like advocating keeping the mouth shut and silently waiting for the flying roast duck.

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Post 21

Sunday, September 5, 2010 - 6:23pmSanction this postReply
What are Muslims taught to do?

I don't know.

I assume from your comment that you do know what "muslims" are taught to do, please enlighten me.

Post 22

Sunday, September 5, 2010 - 7:38pmSanction this postReply
Hi Steve,

I take you at your word that you don't hate all Muslims. I don't mean to insult you either.

A Muslim is a person who is an adherant of the religion of Islam. This makes things complicated in your war.

You've said in another thread that this war is a war of ideas. That is one part of things, but there is also the war of guns that is going on. This is a war I think you agree with, at least in part yes? I'm pretty sure yes is the answer as we've discussed in previous threads.

As someone who has been a practising psychologist, how would you go about convincing Muslims to not join with and support radical members of their faith in a holy war against the west?

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Post 23

Sunday, September 5, 2010 - 7:59pmSanction this postReply
You don't know, Ethan? You're defending something you don't even know?

I know there isn't a Christian society anywhere that punishes victims of violent crimes because they're a victim of a violent crime.

The most fanatical Christian groups don't advocate murdering your daughter over an "honor crime."

Moral virtues pronounced in the Koran are not the same virtues outlined in the Bible. What people believe ultimately dictates how they act.

The latest example, though not related to Islam, is the eco-fascist who threatened to blow people up at the Discovery Channel headquarters. Eco-moderates are strangely silent on that, aren't they? Where's the outrage? Where's Al Gore's condemnation? It doesn't exist, that's where it is.

How did Muslim groups behave after 9/ll? Where were all of the articles from Muslim authors condemning the murders and acts of terror on innocent people? The same place as the eco-moderates are right now. Missing.

It's amazing to me that people would conflate all religious ideologies as if they're basically the same. A Jaine is no different than a Buddhist. A Hindu is as a Christian. What's up with that?

Post 24

Sunday, September 5, 2010 - 8:13pmSanction this postReply
Hi Ethan,

I really don't have much of an edge in convincing someone in that ideological arena. Clinical psychology starts with a powerful advantage which is the person's desire to get free of the anxiety, depression, shame, career or relationship failures or whatever unhappiness motivates them to seek out the therapy. The capacity for change is in everyone, but it is usually very hard to achieve and requires that person wanting it in advance. In political and religious discussions that is NOT the context and so the therapist's skills really aren't applicable.

I think anyone who spends a lot of time with ideas and wonders what arguments might be the most effective, the most persuasive on behalf of those ideas they value highest has as good a base to work from as a psychologist (or better).

When you are talking to a specific individual on ideological issues you should address their self-interest, model the behavior you hope to see from them (honesty, openness, civility, etc.), address the issues at the most fundamental level that's disputed (go for the moral principles rather than the practical consequences), and frame things as much as possible from their viewpoint, use language that invites examination rather than attacks, and so forth.

When you are talking or writing for a group it becomes a little bit different. The goal is empower the aspects of the culture you favor over those you see as the enemy to a rational, civil culture - that's best done with powerful ideas that are succinctly phrased. They become the warriors and your job is to let loose the best warriors you can create and send them out as widely as possible.

The war of guns you mentioned is the result of the war of ideas. Had it been fought better, earlier, it might not have gone to guns. Much of what is happening today - at least the scope of today's conflict - is the product of past political correctness and ineffectively fighting the ideological war.

The one thing that I can say from my perspective as a psychologist is that expectations are a more powerful force in human behavior in general and in human learning in particular than people credit. The liberals and Muslim spokespeople expect tolerance for the mosque at ground zero for example. But only recently have the public began to express their expectation that those proposing that mosque put it elsewhere out of respect for the feelings of those hurt by 911.

We need to be strong in our expectations that people respect our rights, not get away with expressing mystical nonsense and expecting it be taken seriously or respectfully because it is dressed up as a religion. You don't kill people for drawing cartoons of Mohammed. We need to expect people to condemn that which is evil - to take a stand on the important issues. An important part of the ideological war is voicing our expectations of rational, civil behavior.

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Post 25

Sunday, September 5, 2010 - 9:18pmSanction this postReply
Clever Teresa,

You posed the question so I wanted to know what you thought. I know what I think. Nice outrage though. Got you some sanctions, yeah. As for the defending bit, ....really? Do you think I'm defending Islam? Muslims? Terrorists? What am I defending?

I wouldn't think I needed to argue about individualism versus collectivism in this forum, but I'm surprised all the time.

Having served in the armed forces and also being a keen life long student of both tactics and strategy in war and argumentation I can say this: I'd rather fight alone than have an inept "ally" who's ham handed efforts at rhetoric and 21st century spin styled sound-bitten link filled crap simply drag more fools into the streets to fight against me.

Arrogance and righteousness make me sick. Soldiers die in the streets every day and the ranks of their enemies are filled with those deluded enough to beleive what their masters tell them. "The western countries hate you and hate Islam. They are coming to take your land and enslave or kill you." Google war against islam and who appears near the top? The ARI.

If this is a war of ideas (and it is at the heart,) then you all should know that you can't convince someone with a gun. Someone famous said something about that once, but I can't for the life of me think of who it is after reading all this (Actually I can, that was irony, but I feel the need to explain it after your last comment.) Stop. Yes, I know you are going to say "they" are attacking us. Yes I know you are going to try to turn that quote I'm mentioning around on me. Yes, some of them are shooting at us and need to be killed and stopped. I'm not an idiot.

Back in the 80s there was a war against Communism. Who did we use as our proxy to fight against those damned communists in Afghanistan. A few years before that we were having dreadful times with Iran. We were backing the totalitarian ruler and the nut-jobs used that to attack us. Who did we back against them? Saddam Hussein. When he turned into a liability (and a fucking muderous nut-job) we go after him. We have him on the run and his majority Shiite population is ready to revolt. We tell them go for it, we'll help you. Do we help them? No! Why back those nasty shiites when Iran is a shiite nation next door. That would be more trouble. Let's wait and fight him again later.

Shall I continue?

Need I continue?

Our foreign policy has been a fucking nightmare for years. The U.S. isn't an objectivist or even rational country. Are we rotten bastards? No, but this arrogant strutting big brother crap is just digging us into more shit than I care to be in.

So, do your troops a favor, don't feed the fucking extremist nut-jobs with this link born fodder. If you want to discuss the war for ideas and the need to get back to rationality, have at it. In the meantime, don't worry, the other pundits are doing there best to convince the west of the evils of Islam. But if you really feel the need to take the fight to them, then there are recruiting stations all around, you can leave your browser behind and send us tweets from the front-lines in the war against Islam. You'll be happy to know that everyone at home is telling everyone else about how important it is for you to fight Islam.

Post 26

Sunday, September 5, 2010 - 10:21pmSanction this postReply
Ethan, again, I don't understand the equivocation you're introducing between Christianity and Islam. They are distinctly different, and I've given you the obvious evidence why.

I appreciate your service, but I don't understand your motives with this issue at all, or your disagreement over being at war with an ideology that sees you as the enemy under any circumstance.

"Having served in the armed forces and also being a keen life long student of both tactics and strategy in war and argumentation I can say this: I'd rather fight alone than have an inept "ally" who's ham handed efforts at rhetoric and 21st century spin styled sound-bitten link filled crap simply drag more fools into the streets to fight against me."

I don't want to say it, but this looks just like appeasement. Don't you understand that even if that rhetoric were gone, anything else would serve to stir up whatever anger the imams cared to promote? Cabbage Patch dolls to denying building permits. It doesn't matter.

I'm not advocating violence against a bunch of ignorant people, but I'm not advocating to leave their ideas alone, either. I'm saying fight for the rational minds that surely still exist in most of these people. No one needs any guns for that. Except, maybe, those Muslims who wish to leave Islam behind them.

Post 27

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 3:13amSanction this postReply
Ethan, thanks for the clarifications in Post 15 of this thread. In all fairness to your position, Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Institute (ARI) has voiced many of these same views, calling the Iraq War an extremely wasteful distraction. I am not prepared to engage further beyond saying that I agree with others on this thread that it is wrong to equate all religions as equally harmful.

Post 28

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 8:00amSanction this postReply

To win this war you must choose a strategy. You can continue toenflame and embolden your opponents with your rhetoric. You can say that any attempt at convincing or winning hearts and minds is appeasement. I don't agree. Ultimately your path will lead to constant and escalating war.

There is no argument in your method. No understanding. While you are right in principle, your method will not achieve the results you claim to want. I'm not talking about capitulation or compromise of your virtues. I'm talking about winning what you claim to want to win.

Post 29

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 9:33amSanction this postReply
Ethan, don't be ridiculous.

You can say that any attempt at convincing or winning hearts and minds is appeasement. I don't agree.
I never said that. You're saying that. I'm saying that method isn't appeasement. I'm saying bowing to feigned insults for fear of violent "retaliation" is the weakest, most dangerous form of appeasement.

Ideas don't survive on their own, and they don't die on their own. If you're hoping a violent Islam will just disappear if we all shut up about it, that's never going to happen.

Post 30

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 9:38amSanction this postReply
Ideas don't survive on their own, and they don't die on their own. If you're hoping a violent Islam will just disappear if we all shut up about it, that's never going to happen.
Did I suggest that?

Never mind. Keep on as you are. You'll get just what you ask for.

Post 31

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 10:10amSanction this postReply
What does that even mean, Ethan? That I should turn my brain off, keep my head down, or else I risk violence from those, or that which I criticize?  If this is what you're talking about, how is that not appeasement? 

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Post 32

Monday, September 6, 2010 - 10:42amSanction this postReply
I'm afraid you fail to understand what I'm saying. Perhaps I'm not clear enough or perhaps your assumptions are getting in the way. I don't know, but I wish I could make myself clear. All I can say is that there is a difference between being right and achieving victory. One does not necessarily lead to the other.

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Post 33

Friday, September 10, 2010 - 1:27pmSanction this postReply

Most of the posters here hate (yes I use the term on purpose) Islam and think it's fine and dandy to go to war with all muslims over it by paining them all with the same brush.

Who is "most"? Care to start naming any names?

I'll say what I said in other threads; crap like this just plays into the extremists hands as they can point to it and use it a a recruiting tool.

That is such utter bullshit. Bin Laden cited historical references of the Christian Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition as a recruiting tool for terrorists (nevermind that Islamic armies first conquered Christian lands). The very presence of non-muslims on muslim holy land is used as a recruiting tool. The United States not letting Israel face extinction is a recruiting tool for terrorists. That Western nations like France prohibit Muslim women from covering their face with a hijab on their driver's license picture is a recruiting tool for terrorists. Western movies and music that muslim youth consume and make it a part of their pop-culture are routinely condemned by muslim clerics, and used as a recruiting tool for terrorists. What are we supposed to do? Erect a giant wall around the entire Middle East and prohibit the exportation of any hollywood movies and rock albums into muslim countries?

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Post 34

Friday, September 10, 2010 - 1:35pmSanction this postReply

The war with Iraq was a waste that became a rallying cry for the remnants of Al Qaida.

And they have no moral justification for this. The war with Iraq toppled a regime that routinely murdered and brutalized muslims. The war with Iraq was the fifth instance of Americans coming to the defense of innocent muslims. First being Kuwait, then Bosnia, then Somalia, then Afghanistan, and then finally Iraq. No other country in the world has done more to defend muslims from tyrannical oppression than America has. America even stopped a genocide of muslims in the Balkan peninsula.

What can Al-Qaeda add to their record? The routine killings and torture of muslims.

What do they say to what America has done for innocent muslims? Nothing. Or at least they claim infidels have no right to defend muslim innocents.

You legitimize the nonsense they spew by acting like America has to apologize for defending innocent people.

(Edited by John Armaos on 9/10, 1:35pm)

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Post 35

Friday, September 10, 2010 - 1:50pmSanction this postReply

Back in the 80s there was a war against Communism. Who did we use as our proxy to fight against those damned communists in Afghanistan.

I was waiting to hear this one.

The assistance to the mujahadeen in the 80's may very well have resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Union, a hostile aggressor nation gobbling up nations left and right with enough nuclear arms to destroy the free world. There was an obvious net benefit, and no way are we facing the kind of threat today that we did during the Cold War, I'd say we are WAY better off for what the CIA did. The Soviet Union was bankrupting itself trying to fight the CIA backed Afghans, and it was worth getting rid of the greatest threat to human civilization man has ever known. Also you can't morally hold people responsible for not being omniscient, and not to mention the Taliban was only ONE faction of the Mujahadeen. The Taliban was fighting other mujahadeen factions (Northern Afghan Alliance) so libertarians that attack U.S. foreign policy for supporting the "Taliban" are simply picking and choosing which mujahadeen group they want to talk about.

A lot of libertarians claim the Soviet Union would have collapsed on its own because of it's centrally planned economy and that aiding the mujahadeen was unnecessary. When the United States finally started giving the Afghan rebels stinger missile and other high tech weaponry the Soviet Union was experiencing a tremendous drain on their resources. A 100,000 dollar stinger missile would bring down a 10 million dollar Soviet aircraft. The Soviet Union with only 1/10 of the American economy was spending 60% of its GDP on military spending, compared to the United States that never went over 6% of its GDP on military spending. The Soviet Union had definitely suffered horrendous economic problems throughout its existence undoubtedly stemming from its centrally planned economy, but it had been in existence since 1917, and there have been many regimes that have lasted through national famine and abject poverty only to linger around for decades longer. They were also obviously economically proficient enough to invade a Middle Eastern country in 1980 (63 years into its existence) with the hopes of eventually threatening the rest of the Middle Eastern oil supply with access to warm ports (undoubtedly they would have continued their aggressive conquests had the United States not stood up to them). The Soviet Union between the years of 1976-1980 was economically proficient enough to bring about the conversion of 10 countries into the communist orbit either through invasion or surrogate support: South Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, South Yemen, Angola, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Grenada, Nicaragua, and Afghanistan.

The financial black-hole that was Afghanistan for the Soviets and the dramatic escalation in the arms race brought about by Reagan and his Strategic Defense Initiative program undoubtedly precipitated the economic collapse of the Soviet Union. The Soviets pulled out of Afghanistan in 1987, TWO YEARS later the Soviet Union collapsed.

Would the Soviet Union have collapsed on its own without the United States actively trying to bankrupt them? Most likely yes, but there was no telling how long that would have took, and the alternative would have been prolonged bloodshed, with the continued existence of a hostile nation with enough nuclear arms to destroy the free world. A situation that was simply untenable that morally required the free world to do everything in its power to precipitate the demise of an over-whelming threat to its existence. And what would have happened to an unchallenged Soviet Union after an invasion of Afghanistan? Why would they stop there if they had the power to continue on unchallenged in its aggression?

Libertarians first pretend like we should have never been there in the first place, and then pretend that it was our fault that Islamo-Facism rose to power because, what, we didn't stay there long enough and build schools and hold hands singing songs?

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Post 36

Friday, September 10, 2010 - 2:51pmSanction this postReply
Hi Steve

Was reading your message and want to point out something you said that Islam means submission.

want to clarify that Islam means submission to God and acceptance of God as in Christianity and Judaism

Post 37

Friday, September 10, 2010 - 3:54pmSanction this postReply

You said, "I'll say what I said in other threads; crap like this just plays into the extremists hands as they can point to it and use it a a recruiting tool."

The recruiters don't need any true facts logically presented in the proper context to use as recruiting tools for two reasons: First, true facts logically presented in a proper context would deter recruitment. Second, they have never felt constrained by truth or logic in their recruitment. Nothing we do will change their willingness to lie. They engage in rabble-rousing with an illogical hatred based upon evil principles written in unquestionable holy scriptures.

Post 38

Friday, September 10, 2010 - 4:25pmSanction this postReply

From Wikipedia:
The word إسلام Islām is a verbal noun derived from s-l-m, meaning "submission" (i.e. entrusting one's wholeness to another)... "One who submits" is signified by the participle مسلم, Muslim (fem. مسلمة, muslimah).
Reference: Entry for šlm, p. 2067, Appendix B: Semitic Roots, The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed., Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2000, ISBN 0-618-08230-1.

In the context of the religion, is is clear that it is submission to the will of allah. My take on this is that the only way to submit to Allah's will is to submit to Islam because Islam seen as the only proper expression of Allah's will. If Allah existed and willed something else, no one would know about it.

The first mention of "Islam" in the Koran is 002.131
And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons, and so did Jacob; "Oh my sons! Allah hath chosen the Faith for you; then die not except in the Faith of Islam. ..."

and 003.019:
The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His Will): Nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of Allah, Allah is swift in calling to account.

and 003.067:
Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was true in Faith, and bowed his will to Allah's (Which is Islam), and he joined not gods with Allah.

You said 'Islam' also means "...acceptance of God as in Christianity and Judaism." I don't find that as a specific meaning of Islam - but then I don't speak Arabic and must trust to the references translated into English.

Post 39

Saturday, September 11, 2010 - 4:58amSanction this postReply
Hi John,

All I can say is that there is a difference between being right and achieving victory. One does not necessarily lead to the other.
Perhaps you missed the above in my last post. That is all I have to say.

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