I cannot pretend to speak for Dennis Kucinich, even though I grew up with him in Cleveland. I will suggest that if we all owned shares in the government, we would get a dividend check, or our stocks would split -- assuming that the enterprise were profitable. However, for the success of unprofitable enterprises, I point to The Man Who Found the Money : John Stewart Kennedy and the Financing of the Western Railroads by Saul Engelbourg and Leonard Bushkoff (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1996). Kennedy financed J. J. Hill's Great Northern. But before that he had a career of arranging the purchase of debts and equities. Even a failed railroad had assets: if not actual terminals and rolling stock and track, then at least (in the case of paper swindles) legal rights of way. So, may be the government might have to run a deficit, but as long as they have roads and parks and things, they can be put into receiverships and re-capitalized. as were many of the railroads of the 19th century.