Cruz would be the most likely to attempt to massively cut taxes and regulations and he would be the most likely to succeed in that attempt. It's true that there ia a bulge in the demographics that relates to the births in those countries with returning WWII veterans - the Baby Boom. But, like all things living, it is temporary. I'm one of the first of the Baby Boomers and I won't last that much longer. My youngest brother is six years younger and there aren't that many after him. The new 'bulge' in the demographic profile is the Millenials. They are coming on stream nearly as fast as the Baby Boomers are exiting. But even if this weren't the case, and even if the demographic shift were far stronger, it wouldn't matter. The reason it wouldn't matter is the economies are driven by the capacity to make a profit. That old saw, "Where there is a will, there is a way," well, think of that as, "Where a profit can be made, the will finds a way." And the capacity to make a profit is goes to full speed by nothing more than government getting out of the way. As to the business of retired folks spending money from retirement funds... that doesn't matter. That money is just as green as the money from a productive worker. What matters is the lure of money to be made, which will marshall the productive resources, drive the hiring, and produce the products and services. Central Bank activity and QE are the malfunctioning bandaids being applied by people who want to have their regulatory and confiscatory cake but not suffer any collapse. Get rid of the regulations and reduce the taxes and the need for the bandaids goes away. It is true that there is a lot of inflationary and regulatory malformations in the economy that would have to be consumed, taken apart by the market, and the resources picked up by the most competitive, but that is always the case with Capitalism. The entire reason that Trump, Cruz and Sanders are having the successes they are is because the people have finally had it with the establishment and are making choices based upon who they think will say "Fuck you!" to K Street and other special interests. Fear, anger, and feelings of impotence are not going to be tolerated by the voters for much longer. True, Congress has the power to tax and regulate, but they have been potted plants and let the president have his way, and have done so while getting their reelections financed by these special interests. That is why a strong outsider is being selected for president. Cruz has plans for massive cuts in spending - whole agencies - and massive reform in taxes and in regulations. He'll go right past Congress and fire up the same people that are angry and have them tell Congress what to do. I can't for the life of me see why someone would not vote for him rather than one of the others, or sitting it out. It is like the doctor saying, "Yes, you have a cancer. Yes, it will hurt to cut it out. Yes, the odds may only be fifty-fifty or less. But the alternative is death," and the patient saying, "I'm going to sit it out." My thought is that if Cruz doesn't win, or if he fails, then I can start sitting it out. As I write this (and things are changing by the day... literally, by the day), Cruz is moving up on Trump so fast that there would NOT be a GOP revolt if he enters the convention with a majority... which is looking more and more likely. If Trump gets to the majority, and the convention parachutes someone in from the outside, like Romney, or finagles the nomination for someone with far fewer delegates, like Kasich or Rubio, then there will be a revolt, the convention will end in tatters, and we can start talking about President Hillary.