| | The following appears in this thread with the encouragement of Ted Keer, after I'd sent it as a private message to Jordan and Ted]
[message subject:] the humanity of those not reasoning (e.g., senile, comatose, or severely retarded people)
Ordinarily, I'd post the following publicly on RoR. However, recent messages there make me wary of sending the forum any question which any member may, conceivably, misidentify as meaning something other than the literal meaning of its words in the sequence in which I arranged them. (Since I cannot know in advance what someone else will misidentify, that may well mean "any question whatsoever.")
Jordan -- thanks for your recent message about some past Oist discussions re whether we can regard senile, comatose, or severely retarded people as human.
/a/ May I observe that a "no" answer would make it philosophically unobjectionable to (e.g.) use senile, comatose, and/or severely retarded (but otherwise physically healthy) people as a source of dietary protein? Contemplate, then, the difficulty of ensuring that a slaughterhouse or butcher shop or restaurant, free to procure and sell such meat, indeed sells only the meat of guaranteed non-rational humans -- or, rather, guaranteed non-rational "whatever-we-ought-to-call-them-if-we-shouldn't-call-them-humans-because-they-aren't-rational."
(If we classify such people as "not human," what term would we assign to the concept expressed by the above cumbersome phrase?)
Since one cannot easily measure the (former) IQ of a corpse, it would just get too easy for murderers to dispose of the body by sneaking it into a slaughterhouse production line, a meat wagon, etc.. The diner who has ordered a platter of "nonrational rib roast -- IQ during life guaranteed below 5" would not know whether the restaurant had served him what he ordered -- or had served him instead the restaurateur's quite rational, if inconvenient, mother-in-law.
/b/ One might also point out that societies which classify certain infants, children, teens, or adults as "not human" have, historically, had poor records as defenders of human freedoms.