| | Rick, I don't get agitated very often but I can't help but ask if you noticed what I posted earlier. If not, I'll reiterate.
"Truman was right not have taken chances with Japan and allow it to resume business as usual. The Japanese way of life, i.e. culture, was demonstrated in China, Pearl Harbor, Korea, the Philippines, etc. You suggest Truman should have compromised?"
Compromised? What the hell is so difficult about saying, "Sure, keep your figurehead Emperor...we don't care. Just don't ever try to fight us again."? If such words were a total compromise on morality, and required some apologist view of fascism to be spoken, then we should have just made Japan a satellite of America and gotten it over with. But they ~were~ spoken, and they ~weren't~ that difficult after dropping two atomic weapons, were they? Either way, atomic bombs or no, Japan would have surrendered.
"The fascists deserve full moral blame for bringing war to the world and making our actions necessary regardless of our re-evaluations with the benefit of hindsight."
I don't think I ever said, "Come on now, guys. They didn't mean it."
In fact, I said on one occasion: "...Yes, we'd been--justifiably-- killing normal, hard-working, peace-loving Japanese citizens all through the war by bombing urban and industrial areas..." and "...I should say I take no real issue with dropping bombs on secondary or even tertiary military targets; oft-times the infrastructure of a nation must be destroyed to incapacitate its military. Dropping conventional munitions--or even small yield nuclear weapons, if they'd existed--on Japan was justifiable all through the war..."
Until you discover the other side is 1) incapable of further sustained military action 2) presents signs of surrender.
This wasn't on some grassy, isolated field of battle, were the United States had a split second to make a key decision and thus end the war. Japan had been wasting away for months. Yes, don't give up the fight, don't lose momentum, but certainly, ~don't drop atomic weapons on the other guy just because you're a little pissed off.~ Negotiation wasn't even on the table. Here's what a "negotiation" would have sounded like: Japan: "Can we keep our Emperor, and our culture?" Allies: "Sure, just don't fuck with us again, or you get the Big One." Japan: "Deal. War's over." Allies: "Great. We'll be moved in by Tuesday." Japan: "Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto."
And wouldn't ya know it, all this was said after the atomic bombs were dropped (except for that last past). Perhaps a little more timely offering by Truman would have...? But no. Propaganda--even stuff that comes from NSA intercepts of Japanese transmissions--can't be relied upon. They had to know we'd cracked their code.
"There are far more Allied soldiers who died because of mistakes by our military leaders that warranted moral hand-wringing - long before we consider enemy casualties that could have been avoided with smarter decision making."
I left active duty in the Army five months ago. Do the math and consider whether I have friends still in, and whether I wring my hands more over their deaths or Iraqis.
I consider this done, fin, complete, fleshed-out and fully discussed.:)
Thanks for the hearty debate, Rick, Jeff, Sam, and Roderick.