Generally, I now stand persuaded. (I want to emphasize that my problem was not anyone’s “score,” so to speak, but the system as such.) But I have a few more comments:
This reasoning sounds good, assuming people don’t punish on the basis of disagreement. However, I myself have sometimes done so, when I didn’t have the time to compose a proper reply. I like my posts to be carefully written and edited for the most part; but sometimes I felt I had to “say” something, so I voted negatively. Others may do the same, especially newcomers.
Another thing is that, since I don’t think readers will award points for politeness, which ought to be standard, posters will most often get points for being perceived as correct, that is, Objectivist, and lose points only for rudeness. So there are different standards for plus and minus votes.
Maybe it will work out the way you envision, since (a fact I was ignoring) Atlas points are also awarded in other contexts. So I stand persuaded, and am interested to see how it all works out.