| | Okay,
There are just a "few" *L* points that I want to bring up, in response to this "sex offender" topic... Because my answer is that - because under present societal, cultural, and philosophical conditions - it will not be applied fairly, and so my answer is that the names of "sex offenders" should not be made resoundingly public.
Now, here is where I may get rather hated, because I'm a notorious anti-feminist. But I do want to clarify that what I do love is rationality and fairness first and foremost, and I love mainly those females who embrace and strive to live by those qualities... and yes, they do exist; I was birthed and raised by one.
And before I really begin, I want to clarify that my verbal attacks against feminism are not attacks against the female, but attacks against illogic and unfairness.
Now, with that said, here's my commentary about so-called "sex offender" laws:
These "sex offender" laws will only ever be truly applied in actual practice to males, not females, because our society has become dominated by too many males and females both who subscribe to the philosophy that females can really do no wrong, and that only male sexual cruelties, not female sexual cruelties, represent real cruelty. You can call this philosophy "female supremacy", "female worship", but the name most popularly given to it, is "feminism". At its most benign, it is perhaps well-intentioned but misguided. At its most malignant, it is deliberate and deliberately sadistic.
I say that feminism - regardless of whatever is said it is - is a philosophical belief that female mannerisms and mindsets are what are needed in the world, over other attributes.
Now, there might be times where society is judged to be too far over to the masculine end of spectrum, which I think can be a fair assessment in certain instances (like the Arab world) - after all, the essential "male" qualities are different from the essential "female" qualities - and what is needed is a shift towards a more female way of thinking and doing things.
This I'm inclined to agree with, as I firmly believe - and believe I have truly seen evidence for - all of us having both male and female sides to our personalities, be we male or female.
With that said, here is what I'm going to say about the "male" and "female" qualities, which I've heard said before, but I just wanna either recap or impress myself by my ability to put into words *L* :
The typical male quality (where I come from) is basically directly aggressive, swaggering, overconfident, reckless, pushy, invasive, hasty, impulsive (yes, I know... synonyms), mindless (picture various male insects that must have their heads actually chewed off by the female, before they can properly lose their inhibitions and begin thrusting *L*), and with a certain inexplicable and sadistic compulsion to penetrate, that has obvious natural advantages.
Okay, you may begin hating me now.. *L*
The typical female quality (also where I come from), on the other hand, to be fully fair, is basically passive aggressive, calculating, orchestrating, overcautious, compulsively controlling, and given over to a certain inexplicable and sadistic compulsion to entice and then deny, channel and control, those "certain others", in order to better harness their sadistic compulsion to penetrate. Again, those last female tendencies have obvious natural advantages.
And oh, you're REALLY hatin' me now... *L*
What I'd now like to say, if you aren't totally mentally blinded by sheer rage, is that societies can become dominated by one gender supremacy philosophy or the other, and typically that means dominated by members of that sex.
I submit to you that this society has become dominated by what I described in paragraph four... the illogical mindset of female supremacy/female worship/feminism. I also submit that the grand mistake through all of this, is focusing on "which sex" should be in control, rather than "which philosophy".
It should not be a question of which sex should hold power and be regarded as "the good" or "superior", or which sex should hold power and be regarded as "the evil" or "inferior"... Because this is, as Rand says, an "anti-concept". Because the evil that men do, or women do, is not actually a feature of their sex, but rather the result of the indoctrination of some corrupt philosophy OTHER than Objectivism.
And very often, the incorporation of corrupt philosophy becomes entrenched as some "culture". In Arab cultures, males are believed superior, and are free to run roughshod over all females... if they so choose. In most extremely Western cultures, females are believed superior, and are free to run roughshod over all males... if they so choose. So, in any culture, what determines the minority individual who does not choose to just go with the cultural flow? Well, either "knownst" or unbeknownst to them, they actually carry within them the philosophy of Objectivism. And it is the embracing of objectivity which determines the worth of an individual, not their gender. And that is a choice that can be made at any time, by any person of either sex.
My bottom line is this: Under present conditions, if you put this "sex offender" thing into real practice, which has happened in many places, only the sexual cruelties that males are prone to will be criminalized, and as a result, only the names of males will be posted. Thus, it is not objective, and should not be done.
The only way to have a fair concept of "sex offense" is to also equally criminalize the sort of sexual cruelties that females are also prone to... and we all definitely know what those can be. Because just as male sexual cruelties can be both physical OR psychological, so can those of the female, and just as equally devastating.
I strongly suspect that in this feminist society, for all the reasons I've said, once you start talking on this level, I suspect you'll start to see the "extreme urgency" of all this "sex offender" talk, start to evaporate rather quickly... Suddenly, it will just not be mentioned as much, and vanish altogether.
But in the event that the opposite happens, and the sex offender issue becomes hotter than ever, stick to the guns of objectivity, and hold both sexes accountable by it.