| | If we support the idea that jail is to punish and rehabilitate, it is a tacit admission that we are not doing our job in the correctional system if we are releasing people with a high probability of recividism. Frankly, prison is such a vile, evil, unsupervised place that drug and sex trafficing is a way of life, prison violence, murdeer and rape have become accepted. What are we paying billions of dollars for again? To let the inmates run the asylum? We need a profounf reform in the correctional system before we should feel able to even look ourselves in the mirror.
Once we have stomached the idea of witch hunts for "sex offenders"--whatever the fuck the government wants that to mean today--the cat is out of the bag. We have accepted the idea of witch hunts. Then, we will move on the those with a theft conviction, because, by God, we do not want to live next door to a thief. Then, on to the people with a battery conviction, because we do not want to expose ourselves, our kids, to violent criminals. And bad drivers, because no way in hell I am letting my kid ride his bike down the street where he can he run over by some careless driver. Once the cat is out of the bag, and you have compromised your principles, all else follows.
Finally, what about the idea of having paid your debt to society? If we are going to attach a scarlet letter around the neck of everyone convicted, there is no paying off a debt to society--it is eternal damnation and government categorization. This acts to ~encourage~ anti-social and criminal behavior, because if you are damned by one mistake, or are damned because of a wrongful conviction, that's it, cash in your chips--you are never going to be anything but a pariah. And anyone can be wrongfully convicted, dont kid yourself. Just look at the number of death row inmates who were found to be wrongfully convicted--some after they were already put to death. Of course, it helps if you are non-white and poor. But all it takes is a lazy, overzealous cop and a prosecutor looking to make a name for himself or for a political career. Wrong place, wrong time, congratualtion, you are the new scumbag whose name goes on that list, assuming you make it out of prison alive.