
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 - 8:37amSanction this postReply
Funny double-standard on greed.  If you're a big corporation or a high income earner, wanting more is "greed."  If you're the government or the UAW, wanting more is "fairness."

Post 1

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 - 9:57amSanction this postReply
Of course!  It's so simple!  If you don't bow down and go along with what the government wants you to do - no matter what that may be - you are obviously a criminal!   

Thank God the Government is there to educate me in these matters.

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Post 2

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 - 12:28pmSanction this postReply
Important to read the entire article for context, but that said, he is still talking about profits actually earned overseas. Presumably, these may already be subject to taxation in those countries. Also, US citizens working overseas - to my recollection- are allowed to keep all of their foreign earned income without being taxed. So he is talking about setting up a double-standard.

This is only a back-door trick to force some US companies to bring manufacturing jobs back into the US. Utterly foolish. There is always an opposite reaction. He will only force some US manufacturers to move their headquarters out of the US - neat trick, that. Utterly foolish - a deceitful proposal, again counting upon the ignorance of the American public.


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Post 3

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 - 1:41pmSanction this postReply
This just in - American Citizens now Guilty until proven Innocent on their taxes.

in other news, foreign terrorists and mass murderers still considered Innocent until proven guilty

Post 4

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 - 2:09pmSanction this postReply
This is an interesting quote.

There was a time that the number one grossing office of Citibank was in Georgetown, in the Caymans, and it was an office with maybe 10 people or less in it.

I wonder if Citibank will 'cooperate', and disclose the names of those in the US Senate who have been enjoying the laissaize faire sensibilities of the Caymans for all these decades?

This could be Barack's fitting tribute to Ted Kennedy. Or maybe even Bill Clinton: Securities and Exchange Commission documents and financial- disclosure forms filed by Hillary Clinton show that Bill Clinton, 61, has a financial stake in three investment entities registered in the Cayman Islands by Burkle’s Yucaipa Cos. LLC.

Don't worry; we'll clean up those lists, before they are published. We wouldn't want to embarrass the Lion of The Senate. Or, Obama's own SecState.

The fantasy is, nefarious capitalists running amok with funny money.

The reality includes a majority of the Senate.

Where did Huckabee vacation during the election? I guess he just really likes turtles.

Wake up and smell the Serfdom.

Post 5

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 - 2:13pmSanction this postReply
This just in...

May 5 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama’s plan to end tax breaks for U.S.-based multinational companies drew a skeptical response from fellow Democrats on Capitol Hill, indicating that his proposal may face obstacles in Congress.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, a Montana Democrat, called for “further study” of Obama’s proposals within minutes of the president’s announcement yesterday. Representative Joseph Crowley, a on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, said he doesn’t want any tax changes to “harm” Citigroup Inc., his New York district’s largest private-sector employer.

Natalie Ravitz, a spokeswoman for Senator Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat, said that any tax overhaul should not lead to “unintended consequences.”

You think? The Senate starts to sweat..."Er...not so fast, Barry...."

This is a riot!


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Post 6

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 - 3:01pmSanction this postReply
Also, US citizens working overseas - to my recollection- are allowed to keep all of their foreign earned income without being taxed. So he is talking about setting up a double-standard.
I think your recollection is way off. For example, see here.  But this is of minor importance, since the quote is about taxes on businesses, especially corporations.

Note Obama's politicking and lack of perspective . He makes a big deal out of collecting maybe $21 billion in taxes per year, while running an expected deficit of $1.2 trillion in only one year

Post 7

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 - 8:05pmSanction this postReply

Thanks for thee link. There are a couple of triggers for excluding gross income, one being residing 330 days abroad, but the amount that can be excluded was $87,500 in 2007. A large number of the typical corporate overseas jobs may be over that amount, but tax on the difference, I think, would be relatively small by comparison to the tax rates that'd normally apply at home. That favorable tax situation has been one of the draw for us workers to go overseas.

I personally think that where the money is earned (by corporations) should be the criteria for determining taxation. My impression is that the money Obama is talking about is still all overseas revenues, and currently can only be taxed when taken back into the US as profit. Otherwise - apparently as a general practice - companies re-invest those funds back into overseas operations. It seems Obama's plan could only backfire, if he were to try to get Federal paws on these funds.


Post 8

Wednesday, May 6, 2009 - 4:00amSanction this postReply
FB:  I wonder if Citibank will 'cooperate', and disclose the names of those in the US Senate who ...  Bill Clinton...  Burkle’s Yucaipa Cos. LLC.   Don't worry; we'll clean up those lists, before they are published ...  . We wouldn't want to embarrass the Lion of The Senate ...  Huckabee vacation ... 
Thanks for the information about Clinton and Burkle's, I captured and saved that, printed it out and stored it on disk under "White Collar Crime."  As you are apparently citing information you have from mass media sources, from published lists, as it were,  this is not secret, just not well-known.  For instance, who is "the Lion of the Senate"?  Mike Huckabee and turtles means nothing to me.  You consume a lot of news.  I read history.  The story is the same, it just happens to different people, Roman senate or US senate.

I went back and followed the links and printed the story and saved it to disk for future reference.  I come across this fallacy often in sociology and similar classes, that the rich, being rich (educated, too, but mostly just rich) are to be condemned for thoughts and actions not pejorative to the poor.  We think that the rich ought to know better, to be better somehow, just for being socially privilieged.  The privileged wealthy who maintain that culture across generations are no less in a" ghetto" than the poor.  People excoriate the rich out of envy.  That says more about the condemners than about the condemned.

(Edited by Michael E. Marotta on 5/06, 5:52am)

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Post 9

Wednesday, May 6, 2009 - 6:29amSanction this postReply
Obama's Global Tax Raid

"It's a revenue grab, one made easier by the fact that overseas tax "avoidance" is easily demagogued."

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Post 10

Wednesday, May 6, 2009 - 8:43amSanction this postReply

re; For instance, who is "the Lion of the Senate"?
That is generally the made up honorary title given to Ted Kennedy. Nobody has spent more time in the last several decades shuffling back and forth to the Caymans than Ted Kennedy.

re; Mike Huckabee
During the GOP campaign, Huckabee made a famous trip to the Caymans, for a paid political speech event.

re; turtles

The unofficial tourism symbol of the Caymans is a pirate turtle, and the island is also famous for its massive turtle farm, out past a little post office named 'Hell.'

I used to own an offshore corp in the Caymans, and I used it as an offshore international sales corp. I used it for lots of reasons, including, to defer income generated from international business from fat years into lean years. I also used it to pursue business that I otherwise couldn't as a US corp. If a Canadian distributor could not sell directly to my US Corp because of some trade restriction, it had no problem at all selling to my Caymans Corp, and vice versa. My Caymans Corp would sell to Egypt or Qatar or Bangladesh, and would buy product from wherever, including my US Corp. My US Corp would ship product to the Caymans, where hired contractors(DHL, FED EXP)would do a 'touch and go', and re-ship the goods to wherever.

'Touch and go' was(is?) perfectly legal in the Caymans, aka the Disneyland of money. It was marketed as a service. The US doesn't like it, but the US has nothing to do with it. The upshot of all of this paper chasing was, goods sold out of the US, income into the US, taxes eventually paid to the US, in spite of, not because of, US policy. And that, apparently, is some of what Barry the brilliant CO wants to eliminate.

Apparently, he thinks our endemic trade imbalance is too small.

It was fully disclosed to the IRS, -- like about half of the corps in the Caymans. It paid a yearly management fee to my US corp,(ie, resulted in income taxable in the US), and I jumped through all the little boob bait hoops required to legally operate an offshore corp under the 'rules,' for a few years. I dissolved it back in the mid 90s. Yes, I used it to defer that portion of my income from international sales from fat years into thin years, to even out my tax bite, but so what? I did so according to the rules in place, and I don't recognize any obligation to organize my affairs to pay the maximum possible taxes every year, screw that.

And, I did that with both corps having only one employee, me, and one shareholder, me, because the folks in the Caymans made it exceedingly easy to do so as part of their full service economies.

The 'rules' I obeyed were put into place by the Senate, and were absurd. For example, the quarterly passive asset repatriation rule sounded good, for the boobs at home, but it was a static snapshot rule. It went like this: disclosed offshore corporations have assets, passive and non-passive. A passive asset would be, cash in a checking account, or some investment in a mutual fund or whatnot. A non passive asset would be a condo that is rented out and earning income. Anyway, at the end of every quarter, offshore corps had to declare their passive assets, and if they exceeded a certain percentage of total assets, then it was necessary to declare those passive assets over that percentage as income taxable in the US, and pay the taxes as if the assets had been repatriated into the US.

Only...the Senate put an exception into the rule; the exception was, the end of quarter balance was a snapshot, and any asset that would be treated as taxfree under the US Code was not counted as a passive asset.

The upshot of this is, on the last day of each quarter, offshore corps transfer assets from their Vanguard funds or whatnot into other Vanguard funds that are treated as 'tax free', sufficient to avoid the repatriation rule, then they take their qaurterly asset snapshot balance, then possibly on the first day of the quarter, or maybe not, they transfer those assets back to wherever, depending, and Congress' boob-bait charade for the folks at home goes on.

In case it isn't precisely clear, because this doesn't make the news, the 'reason' for all this nonsense is so that the US Congress can tell the boobs at home that they are reigning in offshore assets with strict quarterly repatriation rules, while still permitting the US COngress to use the Caymans as the Club treasury, and has been that way for years.

Barry just stumbled into the Club Treasury, and the Senate Club members are hemming and hawing, including his fellow Democrats, because when Barry insists that Citibank and so on cough up the names on all those offshore accounts, then in a perfect world, if I'm the CEO of a pissed off Citibank, the first several hundred names read on that list on CSPAN all have former DC adresses.

It will make for compelling TV drama...

Keep reading the news along with me, and history. It is riveting lately.


Post 11

Wednesday, May 6, 2009 - 8:17pmSanction this postReply
Closing tax loopholes is equivalent to raising taxes. Does he really think that's a good idea in a recession? On the one hand, he's bailing out companies in order to prevent them from failing. On the other hand, he's raising taxes, which can only make them less productive and more likely to fail.

Amazing, just amazing!

- Bill

Post 12

Thursday, May 7, 2009 - 8:36amSanction this postReply
Sounds eerily similar to another President's statement "You're either with us or against us", for which he was absolutely villified.  I'm certainly not a Bush supporter by any means, but it's interesting to see how much hypocrisy there is in this whole government.  If your guy says something insane, it's unacceptable, but if my guy says almost the same thing, "it's cool man, it's cool."  But I forgot, this is Obama, everything he says is cool.  His words impregnate the sterile.  His smile can feed a starving baby.  His stylized posters have ended violence the world over.            ...Oh, they haven't?  Did anyone want to go ahead and tell the media?  And who wants to break the news to Oprah?

*rolling eyes*

Jacob Hamilton Moore

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Post 13

Thursday, May 7, 2009 - 9:55amSanction this postReply
Oprah has her hands full with chicken riots...

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