
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 40

Sunday, September 27, 2009 - 9:09amSanction this postReply
Just to clear up some obvious ignorance:

" It's a fact that since I write articles - somewhere else I mentioned already that I supplied them to newspapers, magazines, etc., all of them very prone to censor writings -  NONE of my articles were ever censored in any way whatsoever: they have always been published them without changing, adding or deleting anything. So, should Rebirth of Reason want me to continue supplying my articles, the person who uttered this what I read as being a menace of "verifying" what I might supply, will have to make void of what she said.
1) I have no power to edit, correct, or "censor" a member's article submissions. I am not (thankfully) your personal "fix this for me" lackey. If an article is riddled with errors, the best I can do is reject it and suggest you fix the problems yourself.

2) I will not make void anything I said regarding this subject, because:


"What follows is from Ayn Rand's article "Collectivized Ethics". Just change "aged" by "poor", as Obama insists his health-care "program" is prepared for, and Rand's words become totally actualized: "'Medicare' is an example (of such a grand scale public goal)." are the words of Manfred Schieder, not of Ayn Rand.

  b) Manfred Schieder does not get to speak for Ayn Rand and call it a Rand quote.

  c) Manfred Schieder insists on speaking for the deceased Ayn Rand, which leads me to think he's willing to speak for other dead literary giants.

  d) Manfred Schieder appears to have a problem with understanding where to start and end a quote to foster coherency for readers of a quote. He doesn't have an ear for it. I would think someone so prolific with the keyboard, and in his own head, would make an effort to think of the readers he's hoping to target, something Rand herself stressed.

  e) Offering confusing interpretation with the context of a quote is wholly improper with the nature of the quote function at this site. Period.

  f) Schieder's insistence that I bow to his overblown sense of importance is not persuasive by any measure. Editing out insulting accusations against this staff member shows to me that he simply can't be trusted to keep his own emotions (and ideas) in check.  

  g) I still don't care if Schieder ever submits another word.  I certainly can't stop him, and have no intention of stopping him. He may submit what ever he wishes to submit. I personally find his writing to be difficult to read, superfluous, irrelevant, and lacking any substantive point not covered at length by prior writers and thinkers.

 However, appealing to my personal taste isn't a criteria for offering submissions to this site. Schieder should be grateful for that, and for the fact that this site exists at all to host his ideas, instead of insulting those in charge of helping to managing it.  

Outside of any submissions Schieder may offer, he is now ignored by this writer.  

Post 41

Sunday, September 27, 2009 - 10:37amSanction this postReply

Manfred quotes Manfred's Manfred Quotes.
(or, Is Manfred Schieder possessed by Cthulhu?)

Okay, folks. Let's just do a little detective work, shall we?

Manfred Schieder talks about his pride that he is quoted all over the internet. Well, let's look at that. Here are the "quotes" posted to Rebirth of Reason, attributed to Schieder (1937 - ), Manfred F. [Emphasis added for the sake of emphasis. Some quotes have been abbreviated by ellipsis to save space. Follow the link to read them in full. -T.K.]

Rebirth of Reason Quotes: Schieder (1937 - ), Manfred F.

"A perfect world: Forbid . . . voluntary euthanasia."

Manfred F. Schieder (1937 - )
(Added by Manfred F. Schieder on 8/29, 2:43am)

"The Bible . . . is the very fundament of morality."

Manfred F. Schieder (1937 - )
Manfred F. Schieder's own mind.
(Added by Manfred F. Schieder on 5/13, 5:52am)

"In the case of murder, . . . attack."

Manfred F. Schieder (1937 - )
From Chapter 6 of "Ayn Rand, I and the Universe" (http://rebirthofreason.com/Articles/Schieder/The_Logically_Resulting_Type_of_Society.shtml)
(Added by Manfred F. Schieder on 3/26, 2:40am)

"The world . . . lacks every sense of existence."

Manfred F. Schieder (1937 - )
From Manfred's own mind, a product and non-dualistic part of matter
(Added by Manfred F. Schieder on 1/31, 7:03am)

"'Intelligent Design' is . . . the REAL thing!"

Manfred F. Schieder (1937 - )
(Added by Manfred F. Schieder on 3/20, 2:45am)

"You don't have to believe . . . atheism is based on REASON."

Manfred F. Schieder (1937 - )
Schieder's own mind.
(Added by Manfred F. Schieder on 1/16, 11:07pm)

Now, does anyone notice anything interesting? Isn't it an odd coincidence that we have two entirely different members here at RoR, both named Manfred F. Schieder? One who produces "quotes," and one who posts those "quotes" to the main page? And isn't it amazing that the one can read the other's "own mind," which is identified as the "source" of at least three of those "quotes"? I had always thought that in order to "quote" someone, that person already had to have spoken. But now it turns out that not only everything we say is a "quote" as we say it, it's a "quote" in our minds before it is even vocalized!

Now, of course, RoR is not the entire internet, where Manfred proudly tells us he is widely "quoted," not that we should be jealous. So, let's do a Google search. The first hit shows that the same "quote" Manfred posted about euthanasia here at RoR also shows up at wikiquotes with a footnote refering back to Rebirth of Reason. How wonderful that must be for Manfred(s)! So, out of curiosity, let's look at the history of that wikiquote page to see who did Manfred the honor of "quoting" Manfred's "quote" of Manfred at RoR.

Revision history of "Euthanasia"

(cur) (prev) 16:40, 25 September 2009 TRATTOOO (Talk | contribs) (2,707 bytes) (undo)
(cur) (prev) 13:13, 30 August 2009 Ningauble (Talk | contribs) (2,249 bytes) (add quote) (undo)
(cur) (prev) 10:38, 17 July 2009 (Talk) (1,785 bytes) (undo)
(cur) (prev) 10:37, 17 July 2009 (Talk) (1,020 bytes) (undo)
(cur) (prev) 13:15, 29 August 2008 UDScott (Talk | contribs) (693 bytes) (+intro, {{stub}}, +cat) (undo)
(cur) (prev) 09:49, 29 August 2008 Manfred (Talk | contribs) (474 bytes) (New page: A perfect world: Forbid voluntary euthanasia to people in the final stage of incurable illness because life is sacred and untouchable, but touch and desecrate the life of thousands and mil...)

Well, miracle of miracles, there aren't just two Manfreds, there are four! It turns out that the person who created the "euthanasia" quote page at wikipedia and the person who posted the "quote" of Manfred's "quote" of Manfred are both named Manfred! Wow! What are the chances of that? Doing some scientific* calculations, since one out of 153,015 babies born in the 20th Century was named Manfred, the chance of having four people in a row named Manfred is approximately 1/548,196,207,224,215,550,625. That's five hundred forty-eight quintillion, one hundred ninety-six quadrillion, 207 hundred seven trillion, two hundred twenty-four billion, two hundred fifteen million, five hundred fifty thousand six hundred twenty-five to one! And that doesn't even take into account the chance that these people would also share the same last name. The number to express that likelihood would end in more zeros than there are hydrogen atoms in the known universe.

And don't get me started on the what the chances are that the wikiquote page created by a random Manfred for a random Manfred to "quote" Manfred's Manfred "quote" was created exactly six minutes after Manfred's Manfred "quote" on euthanasia appeared on RoR, on the very same day, August 29, 2008**. To express the odds of that would create a rift in the spacetime continuum large enough for Cthulhu and his minions to rise from the depths of the city of R'lyeh at the bottom of the Sargasso sea.

Yes, assuming the four incarnations of Manfred F. Schieder are not already possessed by the spirits of the Elder Gods, (t)he(y) should be very proud indeed.


*Courtesy the Al Gore Institute, Department of Cthulhu Studies, 13 Styx Lane, Arkham, MA, 60606

**From The Neonecronomicon, p DCLXVI, "August 29th, the Ides of the Bloodmoon in the old calendar, is the date on which his acolytes celebrate the hatching of Cthulhu. The actual date of that event cannot be determined with certainty, since the unlucky witnesses to survive it were stricken both mad and dumb. Scholars do take note, however, that both Al Gore and Al Franken were born on the same date."

(Edited by Ted Keer on 9/27, 8:43pm)

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Post 42

Sunday, September 27, 2009 - 11:36amSanction this postReply
The following is a quote from the biography "In the Shadow of the Master: My Journey in the Footsteps of Ryan Roper" by Ryan K. Roper. It is widely considered among the Ryan Roper community to be the definitive collection of wisdom from Ryan Roper, as recorded by his greatest disciple Ryan Keith Roper. I find it particularly appropriate.

"That was really funny." - Ryan Roper

Post 43

Sunday, September 27, 2009 - 4:35pmSanction this postReply
Someone so eager to enter the world of intellectuals should know the rules of scholarship a little better than the embarrassing display Ted outlines.

No PhD candidate could get away with that in the dissertation process. In fact, some departments would level charges against a candidate trying to pull a stunt like this, and kick them out of the program.

Some people just don't care what they do to others. They can't see past today, or the nose on their own face. They're so wrapped up in themselves that they can't see what a horrible disservice their doing to the very subject they claim to care about. 

No one who claims to care about ideas would be so careless with a quote from a world known literary and intellectual figure. 

Note the frantic attempt to fully understand something Rand said during a question period in 1981 in another thread. This shows just how much people care about the truth. Can you imagine me, or anyone injecting my own premises into that quote, as if they came from her?  Indefensible.

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