
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Friday, October 9, 2009 - 9:17amSanction this postReply
Can you edit this post and provide the proper link as its source?

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Post 1

Friday, October 9, 2009 - 11:06amSanction this postReply
I don't think I can edit the post. This was said on a social networking site so linking it wouldn't work. Were you looking for more context and why Mike said this or proof that he said it? Maybe I can get him to post here.

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Post 2

Friday, October 9, 2009 - 1:26pmSanction this postReply
I acknowledge I did indeed say that.

Post 3

Friday, October 9, 2009 - 1:44pmSanction this postReply
No, I just figured you don't usually find diamonds in dunghills, so maybe the context would be interesting enough to want to read it all.

Post 4

Friday, October 9, 2009 - 1:52pmSanction this postReply
Sorry I don't understand the metaphor. What would be the dunghill?

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Post 5

Friday, October 9, 2009 - 2:27pmSanction this postReply
His quote was a diamond. It is unlikely that one would find a diamond in a dunghill. Therefore where you did find the diamond of his quote was probably some place good, like a fertile quarry or a jewelers' strongbox. I wanted to see what else of value might be found in that quarry or that vault.

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Post 6

Saturday, October 10, 2009 - 12:15amSanction this postReply
Here is the full post.

Peace is not more important than justice, and until those who desire peace realize that, there will be no world peace. Peace without Justice is nothing more than a well run prison camp, it is only to the extent which individuals and nations reward the just and punish the unjust that they are truly peaceful. This is not a peace borne oppressive totalitarianism, the peace envisioned by the social engineers and wannabe tyrants, this is a peace of free people with free minds engaged in free and voluntary exchanges where any assault on a person or their liberties is viewed rightfully as an assault on all people and all liberties and dealt with accordingly.

Barack admitted he did not deserve this prize, but humbly accepted it anyway. He would have done far more for the cause of peace to actually turn it down and put a spotlight on an organization which allegedly seeks peace but in reality does a great deal to hinder it and actually honors some of the greatest transgressors to peace. Further, ought any self respecting man with integrity accept something he does not deserve?

But Barack did enough on his own to challenge the growth of peace in the world. The only thing that fosters peace is constitutional democracy and free markets, Barack opposes both. Barack opposed the alliance of liberal democracies proposed by McCain in favor or Cold War Real Politik. Barack opposed the constitutional democracy in Honduras at it’s greatest hour of need in favor of a wannabe tyrant. The Nobel peace prize should be given to those who actually achieve peace, not those who just make irrational intellectuals feel good.

In Honduras a democracy was threatened by a president with delusions of grandeur who refused to step down and the end of his term. Opposed by the military, supreme court, and congress of Honduras, the president – who spouted communist rhetoric and was backed by some of the most murderous governments in the world - was forcibly removed in a coup which was legal and constitutional and ordered by the supreme court of Honduras. Yet Barack supported the illegal actions of the president and diligently opposed constitutional democracy in its greatest hour of need in Honduras – calling the ‘coup’ illegal. These are not the actions of peace; they are the actions of a grab for power and an unjust and illegal presidency and of a cajoling conspiracy to support allies in these rabid power grabs.

Imagine, Barack supporters, if President Bush refused to leave office and tried to force through a referendum that would appoint him “President for Life” – and the military, congress, and supreme court, finding this action utterly illegal, stepped in and forcibly removed him from power, appointed the constitutionally determined successor until holding a traditional election, and ultimately succeeded in protecting liberal democracy from a great attack, achieving instead a peaceful transfer of power to a new elected president. And then Imagine Barack OPPOSING this fully justified protection of the constitution in favor of the wannabe tyrants trying to secure dictatorial powers. The party attempting the power grab is irrelevant, power kills, and absolute power kills without hesitation.

If you can not understand justifying war with a claim of justice, I equally can not understand justifying the most grievous assaults on justice in the name of a peace without any context. Would you not fight off an attacker who threatened you and your children? Would you not help a fellow human who is being assaulted by a would be murderer? Would you not advocate your nation help an ally then who is being assaulted by a murderous tyrannical aggressor? If you have a right to life, then you have a right to materially defend your life against assaults, and as human living in a civilization, we have every right to band together in this common goal of justice and freedom which will bring about the only true peace possible and assist our friends and fellow humans in their struggles against unjust assaults.

During the elections, McCain proposed an Alliance of Democracies, of free nations, which would band together and oppose the greatest threats to liberty in the world. McCain proposed a principled foreign policy in which murderous tyrannies were identified for the prison camps they truly were and were not co-operated with or cajoled. The liberal democracies of the world are the richest, most militarily powerful, and most important, free-est nations of the world. Barack opposed this freedom and justice based long term rational foreign policy and instead invoked the very foreign policy that leftists despised during the cold war – a Real Politik approach that focused only on short term gains and included bargaining with any murderous tyranny that whim favored. Barack’s foreign policy has been nothing but lots of feel good rhetoric since.

The Nobel peace prize has been a disgrace since it tried to give one to the North Vietnamese General that led a military campaign that ultimately cost 4.5 million lives. It has not given the prize to an appropriate recipient since Norman Bourlog.

I am outraged, it is a disgrace and harmful to all the true advocates and promulgators of peace. Barack's actions do not enforce peace because he disregards justice, you can not visit Iran or Palestine and say they are right and have been wronged, and then turn around and tell Israel they are also right and have been wronged. One is right, and one is wrong. The Peace prize has been given to a murderous North Vietnamese communist general as well as Arafat as a supporter of state sponsored terrorism, among many others not deserving. Al Gore - whose environmental rhetoric will cause great economic turmoil and strife and no doubt many more conflicts in the world - is equally undeserving. And now Barrack who does nothing but try to appease every side in every disagreement with a big smile and fancy rhetoric gets one. It's purely politicized feel good nonsense. The peace prize has abandoned objectivity and reason, The only person alive who deserves one right now is R.J. Rummel, the greatest advocate of actual peace today. I wonder what the reaction would be if the prize in physics and chemistry were given not to actual scientists but merely to people who make up fairy tales just to make others feel good. Next thing you know, the author of "The Secret" will get the prize in medicine and “What the #$)@ Do We Know” will get the prize in physics.

It's not people like Barack and Carter who ACTUALLY make the world more peaceful, it's people like Bush and Reagan that do. As much as I despise bush as a libertarian and atheist, the Iraq War was just about the only thing he did that was right. Pseudo advocates of peace make the world less peaceful because they advocate systems and ideas which reward the most violent tyrants of the world, like Arafat, Kim Jon Il or Ho Chi Minh. Saddam Hussein, regardless of WMD's (no one has a right to be a brutal tyrant, after all) was a son of a bitch murderous tyrant who killed almost 2 million people during his reign of terror. Yet the same people that opposed his removal from power were the same ones calling for the US to jump into Darfur and stop some other murderous bastard from killing lots of people. Why the hypocrisy? Why is it OK to oppose one murderous killing spree but not the other? All murderous tyrants should be removed from power eventually. Imagine if Iraq was an effort that included Nato and the UN, a 500,000 strong peacekeeping force that setup a constitutional democracy, much more likely to succeed with an international force, yet the rest of the west sits idly by on it’s morally relativistic laurels.

No two liberal democracies have even gone to war with one another, and no liberal constitutional democracy has ever started a war. The more democratic a nation is, the less violent it is toward other nations and toward it's own people. Murderous governments are the ones that start wars and breed terrorists, and Barack, Carter, etc, do nothing to oppose murderous tyrannies *on principle* and instead bow down, apologize, and generally obfuscate any moral question about their tyranny - while millions suffer under their dictatorial boot heals.

Consider for a moment the Vietnam war, in which a small party of communists funded by the Chinese and Soviet governments took power in the North and started an aggressive campaign against a market based south. The north wanted to confiscate all property in the south and make every person a slave of communism, in the north, it instituted murder quotes to route out 'counter revolutionaries' Yet here in the US protestors were crying for PEACE over and over again, without considering the context of the conflict. It's as if you came across a man and a woman fighting and just demanded they stop, without caring that the man was trying to rape and kill the woman. It is the unjust people and nations that are the roots of war, and the lack of distinction is what continually perpetuates war mongering states.

Would you not fight off an attacker who threatened you and your children? Would you not help a fellow human who is being assaulted by a would be murderer? Would you not advocate your nation help an ally then who is being assaulted by a murderous tyrannical aggressor? If you have a right to life, then you have a right to materially defend your life against assaults, and as human living in a civilization, we have every right to band together in this common goal of justice and freedom which will bring about the only true peace possible.

Post 7

Saturday, October 10, 2009 - 8:44amSanction this postReply

"Further, ought any self respecting man with integrity accept something he does not deserve?"

A picture is indeed worth a two page essay. Here's Obama's candid reaction the morning of the announcement:

I think this photo, like that of Clinton faking a tear at Ron Browns funeral, shows the true measure of the man.

Post 8

Monday, October 12, 2009 - 1:02amSanction this postReply

I'm going to play devil's advocate and ask how you know what Obama is smiling about in the photo in post 7? Are you lambasting him for smiling during a phone conversation that may or may not have been about the Nobel prize, and may or may not have included pleasantries about unrelated topics? Do you have a wiretap on the presidential phone and a time and date stamp on the photo?

I do agree that a puzzled look followed by the utterance "For doing what?", followed by a press conference declining the award and politely ripping into the Nobel committee for politicizing and making a mockery of the award -- all this would be a more admirable response to the award. But this is not in the adulation-loving character of the man slightly over half of those who showed up at the polls voted for.

Post 9

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 - 9:03pmSanction this postReply
The photo was taken the morning of the award. The emotional meaning of the painful, "shit eating" grin is self evident. I challenge you to suggest one plausible alternative explanation for that smile.
(Edited by Ted Keer on 10/13, 9:08pm)

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Post 10

Wednesday, October 14, 2009 - 10:46amSanction this postReply
Uncle Jimmy was inviting him to come over and listen to an old school presidential failure over some billy beer?

"When I was in your shoes we had to fail internationally uphill in the snow before the world liked us. You youngster presidential failures have it easy. I remember when refusing to condemn terrorist regimes crimes against their own population just didn't cut it. Back in '79 you had to let terrorists actually kidnap and threaten Americans for years before you could puff your chest out and call yourself an internationally acclaimed fraud."

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