Our rights supersede national boundaries...Rights supersede nations. Michael F Dickey http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/ArticleDiscussions/2037_3.shtml#77

Peace is not more important than justice, and until those who desire peace realize that, there will be no world peace. Peace without Justice is nothing more than a well run prison camp, it is only to the extent which individuals and nations reward the just and punish the unjust that they are peaceful. Michael F Dickey

Jurisdiction is a moral concept applicable only to legitimate nations, nations which respect the individual civil liberties of their populace. We have no jurisdiction to apprehend a criminal in France, France is a free nation. Iran is a non free nation, as such, we do not need jurisdictional approval from whatever murderous theocratic tyrants happens to be oppressing the populace this year in order to act in our own long term rational self interest, either by removing that dictator from power or apprehending a terrorist residing in that nation. Michael F Dickey http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/Blogs/0039.shtml#16