
Rebirth of Reason

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009 - 6:57amSanction this postReply
John Stossel has been such a refreshing voice of reason. He is very handsome too... :)

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009 - 10:24amSanction this postReply
That's a good column - a very hard hitting reply to those who have accused Stossel of not being an objective journalist. He makes the intensity of the mainstream media's ugly bias very clear.

Fox News made two excellent choices with Glenn Beck and John Stossel - it is hard to estimate the degree to which they will influence the rest of that organization's pundits, but I've already seen it happening. And the influence flows out from Fox News and has a stronger effect on the rest of the media than I would have imagined (given their head-in-the-sand approach to things they don't want to report on).

Post 2

Wednesday, November 4, 2009 - 10:36amSanction this postReply
If Stossel were a straight news reporter his speech to AFP would be objectionable and the critics would be right, but the public understands that he's an advocate.  Nina Totenberg on NPR had a record of very public partisanship that nobody in the mainstream media (as they used to call the legacy media) found objectionable.

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Post 3

Wednesday, November 4, 2009 - 11:25amSanction this postReply
The whole business of dividing up the talking heads into those that claim to be impartial news reporters and those who are advocates allows a lot of funny business to go on.

Those of low integrity will pretend to an objectivity they don't have and slant the news to suit a hidden agenda, while claiming that they are only doing news.

Those who are open about the position they advocate for will be dismissed as partisan despite the fact that they may be the only one breaking real news on a particular subject.

Stossel's column was great - he described being subjected to an on-air inquisition where his objectivity was questioned by a group of 'journalists' whose shared trait was their hidden left-wing bias, and their willingness to use their fraudulent credentials of non-partisanship to beat up on Stossel for being open in his advocacy.

Beck and Stossel both mix news and advocacy in an open and honest fashion. Their facts get checked and rechecked just like any reputable journalist. The reason that Stossel's speech to AFP would be objectionable for a straight news reporter is the unrealistic, dishonest and hypocritical pretense that a straight news reporter doesn't have any political beliefs. How stupid would that reporter have to be for that to be true, and how stupid are we supposed to be to believe that.

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