They [politicians] don't need to drive us deeper in debt, they choose to John Stossel Fox News - John Stossel web site

There is a simple way to get corporate money out of politics: get the government out of our lives and economic affairs. If government has no favors to sell, no one will spend money trying to win them. John Stossel http://www.theatlasphere.com/columns/100126-stossel-free-speech.php

Then, gradually, I figured out that business, for the most part, treats consumers pretty well. The way to get rich in business is to create something good, sell it for a reasonable price, acquire a reputation for honesty and keep pleasing customers so they come back for more. John Stossel The Double Standard About Journalists' Bias

There is only one genuine protection for the public: the discipline of profit and loss. Nothing concentrates the mind like the prospect of bankruptcy. John Stossel http://www.theatlasphere.com/columns/081128-stossel-reregulation.php

Crisis is the friend of the State. John Stossel http://www.creators.com/opinion/john-stossel.html

Education is too important to be left to government. The freer parents and entrepreneurs are, the more innovative American schooling will be — and the more children will learn. John Stossel