
Rebirth of Reason

Quotes: Stossel, John

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They [politicians] don't need to drive us deeper in debt, they choose to
John Stossel
Fox News - John Stossel web site

Discuss this Politics Quote (1 message)
(Added by Steve Wolfer on 7/30, 11:12pm)
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There is a simple way to get corporate money out of politics: get the government out of our lives and economic affairs. If government has no favors to sell, no one will spend money trying to win them.
John Stossel

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(Added by Sam Erica on 1/26/2010, 6:31pm)
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Then, gradually, I figured out that business, for the most part, treats consumers pretty well. The way to get rich in business is to create something good, sell it for a reasonable price, acquire a reputation for honesty and keep pleasing customers so they come back for more.
John Stossel
The Double Standard About Journalists' Bias

Discuss this Serious Quote (4 messages)
(Added by Ted Keer on 11/03/2009, 10:20pm)
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There is only one genuine protection for the public: the discipline of profit and loss. Nothing concentrates the mind like the prospect of bankruptcy.
John Stossel

Discuss this Economics Quote (1 message)
(Added by Ed Thompson on 11/28/2008, 10:28am)
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Crisis is the friend of the State.
John Stossel

Discuss this Economics Quote (6 messages)
(Added by Sam Erica on 9/26/2008, 7:28am)
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Education is too important to be left to government. The freer parents and entrepreneurs are, the more innovative American schooling will be — and the more children will learn.
John Stossel

Discuss this Education Quote (3 messages)
(Added by robert malcom on 11/07/2007, 7:45pm)
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