| | While this solution of Stossel's would solve the problem he talks about, it has nothing to do with the philosophical principles behind individualism and collectivism. It was these kinds of utilitarian ideas that Rand hated when she said people advocate for freedom without knowing its roots.
I'm certain Stossel knows its roots, but he doesn't make a convincing arguement that freedom is a principle of political science and guaranteed by the Constitution. Instead, he provides a solution that anyone could argue against without using Objectivism, or Jeffersonianism or Madisonism, for that matter.
It would work; but it doesn't say why corporate money is bad. It just presumes we think it is--Why? blank out. Get the government out of our economic affairs? Absolutely, but many in this country don't want that. Stossel is a "blank out" on that one as well, and utilitarian answers with no principle behind it other than "it works" isn't what Objectivism is about.