
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Wednesday, August 18, 2010 - 4:00pmSanction this postReply

I'm trying to figure out Lambert's point. Will you please elaborate?


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Post 1

Thursday, August 19, 2010 - 4:56amSanction this postReply

“I have been led to the conclusion that
as long as a philosopher
does not carry out his analysis
of measurable objects
to the point where the mathematician can find unities, measures, and dimensions
he must surely still be hanging on to some confusion,
or at least
the predicates of his propositions do not apply uniformly to the subjects.”

Does that help?

Lambert is saying that mathematical certainty is required for philosophical certainty.  Without that, a philosopher's statements will be internally contradictory ("some confusion").  At the least, his assertions will not always come from his assumptions ("predicates do not apply uniformly").

I suggest also that in other words, without Symbolic Logic -- invented 100 years later -- philosophical statements could not be subjected to mathematical analysis and therefore are suspect.

Remember that Lambert was writing in German.  Perhaps if we had the original German, we could have other translations.

For instance, perhaps he means that the philosopher's states about measurable objects must be as rigorous as a mathematicians about his subjects. He was asserting an analogy.  

Lambert was the first to introduce hyperbolic functions into trigonometry. Also, he made conjectures regarding non-Euclidean space. Lambert is credited with the first proof that π is irrational‎ in 1768. Lambert also devised theorems regarding conic sections that made the calculation of the orbits of comets simpler. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Heinrich_Lambert 


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Post 2

Thursday, August 19, 2010 - 9:31amSanction this postReply

At the time of that letter from which I quoted, Lambert was a distinguished mathematician with a professorship in Berlin. Kant was in his pre-critical period. He had published some significant essays and was allowed to lecture at the University of Königsberg. Kant would become professor of logic and metaphysics in 1770. That was the year of his “Inaugural Dissertation,” which is traditionally taken to mark the beginning of his critical period. Lambert wrote Kant a letter on that dissertation, and problems raised in that letter are part of the reason Kant entered “the silent years,” molding his new philosophy past such problems. The silence broke with the Critique of Pure Reason in 1781. Lambert had died in 1777.

Lambert had initially written to Kant on November 13, 1765. Lambert had recently published a philosophy book (New Organon, or Thoughts on the Discovery and Designation of Truth and Its Differentiation from Error and Appearance), and he had another one in press (Outline of Architectonic, or Theory of the Simple and Primary Elements of Philosophical and Mathematical Knowledge). He had recently read Kant’s essay “Only Possible Argument in Support of a Demonstration of the Existence of God,” and he found it to be similar to some of his own ways of thinking. He had heard Kant was about to publish a book titled Proper Methods for Metaphysics, and he wondered how much Kant’s right methods would correspond to his own, as set out in his two recent books.

Kant replied to that initial letter on December 31, 1765. “I hold you to be the greatest genius in Germany. . . .” Kant tells Lambert that his envisioned book will be delayed. “What I am working on is mainly a book on the proper method of metaphysics (and thereby also the proper method for the whole of philosophy). . . . My problem is this: I noticed in my work that, though I had plenty of examples of erroneous judgments to illustrate my theses concerning mistaken procedures, I did not have examples to show in concreto what the proper procedure should be.” Kant reported that he had decided to create two other books first, one on the metaphysical foundations of natural philosophy, the other on metaphysical foundations of practical philosophy. Kant did in fact produce that first one (1786), but after the really big book (1781).

Now, at last, to come to Lambert’s letter of February 3, 1766. Lambert says that metaphysics is in need of “methodical reconstruction and cleansing.” Dealing with universals in that science leads us “to venture beyond the limits of possible human knowledge.” In “Only Possible” Kant had outlined the kind of argument to the existence of God he thought successful. He had then exposed the unsoundness of three of the four possible kinds of argument that had been put forth as establishing the existence of God. In the course of these assessments, Kant says a great deal about metaphysics and epistemology. In his letter, Lambert shares his own ideas related to some Kant had dealt with in the essay.

I see that the quotation I pulled from Lambert’s letter pertains to remarks of Kant’s in Section I of his essay, in the first subsection which is titled: “Of Existence in General.” Kant remarked that he will proceed as one looking for a definition of existence, but wants to determine first what can be said about the object of the definition, namely the object: existence. He says he doubts anyone has correctly defined what space is, yet “there is still a great deal which can be asserted with the highest degree of certainty about the object in question.” From such up-front certainties about subjects in metaphysics, too, we may be able “to infer with complete certainty that which is relevant to the purpose of the investigation. . . . The mania for method and the imitation of the mathematician who advances with a sure step along a well-surfaced road, have occasioned a large number of . . . mishaps on the slippery ground of metaphysics.”

The quotation from Lambert is in that portion of his letter responding to those remarks in Kant’s essay that I have just quoted. Lambert partly agrees. He agrees that Euclid did not have to define space or geometry. He adds that in mechanics we make little use of the definition of motion. But then he goes on to suggest how philosophy might well profit from method in mathematics. In geometry we begin with simple elements such as lines and angles. In mechanics we begin with simple elements that accompany motion, such as velocity and force. From a comparison of those elements, Lambert says, we are enabled to discover principles. Then follows the quote of Lambert’s that I posted.

Although Lambert intends what he writes in the quotation to apply to metaphysics—he sees metaphysics as more salvageable that Kant did at that time—I think that what Lambert has in mind as authority for his claims is the history of natural philosophy, that is, the history of mechanics. Galileo, Huygens, and Newton had to first clean up received concepts in natural philosophy, making them simpler and considering them in measureable characteristics. In this way, by comparisons, we have a chance to establish laws of free fall, collision, and so forth.

I quoted the passage from Lambert for its glint of Rand’s general measurement vision of the world of all concretes, which I share in my with-measurement extensions from Rand’s epistemology.* I should perhaps mention that my program would not be expected to yield anything along lines parallel relations such as that between length and frequency of a pendulum. But objects of one’s concepts can become clearer and more profoundly integrated with others if they are cashed in the right measurement terms. Learning how shape can be captured by the set of principal curvatures at the points over the surface of a body enhances one’s concept and definition of shape.


Translations of the letters of Lambert and Kant are by Arnulf Zweig.*
The translation of “Only Possible” is by David Walford.*

Post 3

Thursday, August 19, 2010 - 11:58amSanction this postReply
Thanks, Mike. That helps.


I've noticed something about you. If I ask you to elaborate, then I should prepare to read a lot of words!




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Post 4

Thursday, August 19, 2010 - 3:56pmSanction this postReply
"He must surely still be hanging on to some confusion, or at least the predicates of his propositions do not apply uniformly to the subjects.”
That is the most elegant and erudute way I've ever seen to say "he has his head up his ass."

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Post 5

Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 6:23amSanction this postReply

I would like to make a correction to my Post 2. While it is true, as I said, that in his 1766 letter to Kant from which our Quote is taken, Lambert is commenting on part of Kant’s “Only Possible” essay, it is clear from other points in this letter that by this time, Lambert had read and is responding, more importantly, to another essay of Kant’s. This is the 1763 essay known as the “prize essay,” whose title is “Inquiry Concerning the Distinctness of the Principles of Natural Theology and Morality.” Eighty percent of this essay concerns the likeness and difference of cognition in mathematics and in metaphysics. Lambert’s letter expresses views very much in agreement with Kant’s at this time, although Lambert has proposals as to how metaphysics can be improved by techniques of mathematics and physics that go beyond Kant’s own lessons to be drawn from close comparison of cognition in mathematics and in metaphysics.

To be clear—and this is good to realize in connection with Peter’s humorous post—the philosophers Lambert is referring to in our Quote does not include Kant or applies only very slightly to Kant, whom he finds to be on a largely correct, fresh, and promising path. Lambert is referring to earlier philosophers in general and to contemporary philosophers who proceed in those same old ways.


There is a passage from Kant’s prize essay I think readers of Rand will find especially interesting.
    The proposition, therefore, which expresses the essence of every affirmation and which accordingly contains the supreme formula of all affirmative judgments, runs as follows: to every subject there belongs a predicate which is identical with it. This is the law of identity. The proposition which expresses the essence of all negation is this: to no subject does there belong a predicate which contradicts it. This proposition is the law of contradiction, which is thus the fundamental formula of all negative judgments. These two principles together constitute the supreme universal principles, in the formal sense of the term, of human reason in its entirety.

Further: a, b

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Post 6

Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 7:32pmSanction this postReply
These are very odd claims.  Predicates are not identical with their subjects.  "My car is red and my hair is red" does not assert that the color red is identical with either of the subjects.  You can state that two subjects are identical - Obama and the current president, A and A - but that is either a special kind of predication or not a predication at all.  Nor have I ever heard of predicates contradicting subjects.  Last time I looked, statements contradicted statements.

Post 7

Wednesday, June 15, 2011 - 7:17amSanction this postReply

Peter, I hope to return to Kant’s assertions about identity in affirmative judgments eventually. I can address your last two sentences, concerning contradictions, in the present note. You had remarked: “Nor have I ever heard of predicates contradicting subjects. Last time I looked, statements contradicted statements.”

Contradictions arise both between propositions and between subjects and predicates. In “What Is Contradiction?” (2004), Patrick Grim lists nineteen definitions of contradiction from the logical literature. Some speak of contradiction between pairs of statements. Others speak of contradiction within single statements. The latter includes:

“A sentence is contradictory if and only if it’s impossible for it to be true” (25).
Deduction by Daniel Bonevac (1987)

The following examples come to mind, taking my lead from the named philosophers.
Leibniz: “Some triangles are quadrilateral.”
Abelard: “Fire is cool.”
Kant: “Some bodies given in perception are without extensive magnitude.”

Post 8

Thursday, June 16, 2011 - 8:15amSanction this postReply
Kant: “Some bodies given in perception are without extensive magnitude.”
Where?  Searching with Google gave no matches. Any examples?

Post 9

Thursday, June 16, 2011 - 9:30amSanction this postReply
Hi Merlin,

I should have set off those three statements with italics, rather than with quotation marks. I was only taking my lead from the named philosophers in formulating these statements for candidates of contradiction within a single statement. I was not quoting the philosopher.

In Kant’s case, the roots of my candidate statement were:
    If I say: All bodies are extended—then this is an analytic judgment. For I do not need to go beyond the concept that I link with the word body in order to find that extension is connected with it. All I need to do in order to find this predicate in the concept is to dissect the concept, i.e., become conscious of the manifold [of component concepts] that I always think in it. (A7 B11)

    Even the perception [itself] of an object as appearance is possible only through the same synthetic unity (of the given sensible intuition’s manifold) whereby the unity of the assembly of the manifold homogeneous is thought in the concept of a magnitude. I.e., appearances are, one and all, magnitudes—specifically, extensive magnitudes, because as intuitions in space or time they must be presented through the same synthesis whereby space and time as such are determined.

    Extensive is what I call a magnitude wherein the presentation of the parts makes possible (and hence necessarily precedes) the presentation of the whole. I can present no line, no matter how small, without drawing it in thought, i.e., without producing from one point onward all the parts little by little and thereby tracing this intuition [i.e., the line] in the first place. And the situation is the same with every time, even the smallest. In any such time I think only the successive progression from one instant to the next, where through all the parts of time and their addition a determinate time magnitude is finally produced. Since what is mere intuition in all appearances is either space or time, every appearance is—as intuition—an extensive magnitude, inasmuch as it can be cognized only through successive synthesis (of part to part) in apprehension. Accordingly, all appearances are intuited already as aggregates (i.e., multitudes of previously given parts); precisely this is not the case with every kind of magnitudes, but is the case only with those that are presented and apprehended by us as magnitudes extensively. (A162–63 B203–4)

Text in square brackets is clarification from the translator, Werner Pluhar.

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