They want to give people like me [millionaires] a two hundred thousand dollar tax cut that's paid for by asking thirty three seniors to each pay six thousand dollars more in health costs. That's not right, and it's not going to happen as long as I'm President. President Barack Obama
There are provisions in the tax code that allow hypocrites like Obama to write the treasury a check to help pay down the debt if they don't think they're paying their fair share in taxes. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Oprah, et al can all write the government a big fat juicy check, if they wish, instead of using force against others.
Tress, see my comments to John Armaos above regarding George Soros. Oprah Winfrey is more than a good example, she is a paradigm. She built her financial empire by conscious application of the right ideas -- even as she holds so many wrong ones. Her wealth comes essentially from her popularity, so it is not surprising that she holds the most common opinions on everything outside of "work."
I happened to catch an episode of Oprah some weeks ago. The Queen of Daytime said she's been audited so many times by the IRS that she actually gave them their own office at Harpo Productions.