| | Luke,
I do not see how Savulescu's arguments differ in principle from those of Hitler and the Aryan race premise. Other than the "window dressing" of hair, skin, and eye color, did not the idealized Aryans share traits with Savulescu's idealized "genetically cooperative and altruistic" people? I think the Soviets had this notion, too.
I think Savulescu wants to transform the human race into one giant bee hive populated with worker bees and drones while appointing himself as the queen bee!
Exactly. On this note, the question and answer period (20 minutes into second video) was actually pretty good, as the audience was skeptical and intelligent about this. A gal in the audience remarked that we do not live in Plato's Republic, where there is one or a group of philosopher-kings to direct us on what to do next with our lives. She asked Savulescu, in the absence of philosopher-kings, who is it that is going to decide whether someone is a menace to society and a candidate for genetic manipulation for the greater good or the public interest. He couldn't answer, and was visibly distressed by having people asking him probing questions like that - asking him about what his ideas would mean if applied to real life.
He did not like having to deal with the reality of other people.
(Edited by Ed Thompson on 9/05, 8:54am)