| | Obama says, If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. That's just a way to demean any individual effort and a verbal set up for for the false assumption that government creates wealth when in fact it consumes it. -------------------------
Then he goes on to say, ...this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. The system (government) ALLOWED you to thrive! My how nice of them to let someone thrive. -------------------------
Then he says, Somebody invested in roads and bridges. Duh. Isn't that mostly state and local taxes, a small amount of stimulus borrowed mostly from China and other countries, and some federal taxes, most of which was out of the national gas tax? So, who "invested" in roads and bridges? We did, and our children and our grandchildren will as the debts come due. And we are supposed to get all excited and thank ourselves for "creating" businesses by involuntarily sending money to Washington! "Please, sir, may I have more taxes?"
And we are supposed to believe that nonsense?!?!?! --------------------
How can someone not see Obama as either a total idiot or an outright socialist for believing that government creates wealth - not the private sector? --------------------
As a percent of government spending from Washington, roads and bridges and federal contributions to teachers is TINY - but look how few have bothered to point that out. It gives lie to the entire thrust of his argument. It makes a mockery of his argument. What is left when you take out the phoney and inaccurate business of government roads and bridges and government teachers creating the businesses that created the wealth, all that is really left is THE BIG LIE BEING SMUGGLED IN: GOVERNMENT CREATES WEALTH. -----------------------
Dear President Obama,
Please imagine this large grinder, like a meat grinder. It is the private, American market place with investors, producers and consumers and they are all pushing investments, raw goods, services and purchases, into the maw of the beast. All that stuff goes and the handle cranks (transactions occurring) and the output is actually worth more than what went in (under normal conditions) - that's the way it works. Now if you, as government, take and siphon off a lot of wealth before it can be pushed in, and you don't let some of what was grabbed get back to the investors, producers or consumers, then less will come out - there will be less wealth. Period. That's all government can do.... siphon off, prohibit, reduce the cranks of wheel, make the grinder less efficient, etc. It can't increase the wealth one bit. I know, you want to say that government is turning the crank, or that it built the crank, or that it created the table the grinder is bolted to, but that just isn't so and you need to understand that people were building grinders and turning cranks before government existed. Please go back and read your oath of office and stop transforming us into a strange socialist image from your communist, anti-colonial father - that isn't your job, and you are destroying this nation.
(Edited by Steve Wolfer on 7/25, 8:57pm)