| | Capitalization is a relatively recent invention. The highly civilized Greeks and Romans certainly didn't have or use this. Still, on the whole, this linguistic invention seems useful and helpful -- not arbitrary and foolish (VASTLY unlike english spelling). I always find it rather irritating to read uncapitalized posts: it's slightly harder to understand and it makes me work a bit more. All countries and languages in the world today that I'm aware of also seem to also find caps beneficial and worth the trouble.
Altho' this issue isn't completely clear-cut, capitals are not irrational, pointless, wrong, etc in my judgment. Rather, people who refuse to make this fairly small effort in typing are guilty of true rudeness, I would say. It's a rather anti-social, disrespectful act: passive-aggressive, gauche, cold, slightly mean, something. People of decent civilization, breeding, and values do need to capitalize, IMHO.