Microsoft Word has a wonderful tool called AutoCorrect, and two things it can do for you is capitalize the first letter of any sentence and expand any abbreviation you specify. From the Help file:
To use AutoCorrect, first turn on or off the following AutoCorrect options: - Capitalization options For example, AutoCorrect can capitalize the first word in a sentence or the names of days of the week.
- AutoCorrect entries AutoCorrect can use a list of built-in corrections, called AutoCorrect entries, to detect and correct typos, misspelled words, grammatical errors, and common symbols. You can easily add your own AutoCorrect entries or remove unwanted ones.
- Spelling checker corrections For enhanced spelling correction, AutoCorrect can use corrections that are generated by the spelling checker's main dictionary (in addition to the built-in list of spelling corrections).
Once you’ve set the AutoCorrect options, type the text that you want to correct, followed by a space or other punctuation.