Idiocy in Money Magazine
Social Security is well invested....YAY (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Ethan Dawe on 9/18, 6:37am)
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Just What it Deserves
The world is dying from people's lying. It's time to think for oursleves. (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Ethan Dawe on 12/02, 6:29am)
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Don't Trust Them
I've always believed that Republicans, Democrats, and politicians in general have been laughing behind our backs for years. Both of the major parties that dominate the political system in the U.S. have shown themselves to be full of lying hypocrites out to plunder the system for as much cash and power as they can grab. (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Ethan Dawe on 10/03, 7:00am)
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