Funnest Way to Earn a Living
Interesting ways to make a living. (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 9/01, 7:31pm)
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Ruminations on Rights and Benevolence
The "right to life" has been misinterpreted by the socialists and the true nature of socialism is viciousness and contrary to human values. (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Sam Erica on 8/26, 10:21am)
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"Karma" Sounds Like a Candy Bar, Not a Moral Code
Karma is a modern, and severely flawed, social bias, substituting for morality from rational thought. (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 8/04, 7:47pm)
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It's Impossible
Reflections on our complex science and technology. (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Sam Erica on 8/01, 10:32am)
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Roo Roo Roo
Today I went swimming in a swimming pool. I'm nice and clean. I wish I could do that everyday!
... (Read the entire blog entry) (Added by Liberty Dog on 7/31, 11:34pm)
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