| When I was 16 years old in 1969, I was looking through record albums in a local store and came across the following: . Of course, being a 16 year old male, I fell in love immediately and bought this album in spite of never having heard of Melanie or her music before. Upon arriving home, I put the record on my turntable, listened, and was then in love with both the face and the music.
Two years later, at age 18, I interviewed Melanie after a concert she gave at my college (ah, the things one can accomplish when one rationally pursues one's goals). She always performed in long, neck-to-ankle gowns during the concerts but came out for the interview wearing a t-shirt and jeans, and, boy, did she look good. To say she was delightful is an understatement. And in between the concert and the interview, she came out to sign autographs for the approximately two dozen fans who waited hopefully for her. When one fan said he was disappointed she hadn't sung a particular song, she asked one of her people to get her guitar, and gave a small impromptu concert of about three songs for the small gathering. This was a wonderful night that I will never forget.
Imagine my delight when I heard in 2000 that she declared she was a libertarian. You can read more about that here. Now if she could just discover Objectivism. And, yes, I'm still in love, 35 years after first seeing that beautiful face.