| There are Bach-worshippers in their millions, to be sure. Normally, I'm not one of them. But, via Stokowski, Bach acquires KASS. These are transcriptions for orchestra by Stokowski of various compositions (or borrowings) by Bach for organ. They will scatter your toupee, blow your mind, quicken your pulse (dangerously), inflame your belly, stir your groin, weaken your knees, & knock your socks off. As a reviewer at Amazon says, you will be undone within minutes. I have just chosen this as my evening's musical inspiration, and most of the above occurred to me in short order. Had I been wearing a toupee, it would have flown out the window with my socks. But I no longer have a toupee. Joe Rowlands took it. In any event, if you want some "total passion for the total height" for Christmas, this CD aches & throbs with it.
Linz |