
Rebirth of Reason

Incrementally better

Sanctions: 11
Sanctions: 11
Sanctions: 11
Incrementally better(after reading yet another post from num++ I have to retell this old story...)

So, these two programmers are sitting at a bar and the one old guy is grousing about how he can't find work as easily any more.  He spends months unemployed.  COBOL just isn't what it used to be.

"Cobol?!"  the woman says. "No wonder you can't find work.  Look, I was in the same position a few years ago, but I went in for Object Oriented programming and now I have a couple years of Java experience behind me.  All I did was put some Object Oriented stuff in my resume and when I got hired, I came up to speed.  It's an old trick."

"Yes," the Cobol programmer conceded.  "I've done it.  Well, I'll try it again."

So, he alters his resume and sends out another round of a hundred or so, and this time he gets a bite. He makes the interview and it is all going fine until the recruiter asks him:  "What's this under Languages, where you have "Add One to Cobol."?"

Added by Michael E. Marotta
on 6/12, 5:48pm

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