
Rebirth of Reason

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"Atlas" Movie One Step Closer! The Inside Scoop
Posted by Ed Hudgins on 4/27, 7:12pm
April 27, 2006 -- The effort to film Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged has just taken a big step forward. Daily Variety reports a leaked story that Lionsgate, the independent studio whose movie "Crash" recently won the Oscar for best picture, will be distributing the film.

We've confirmed today that a deal is going forward under which Lionsgate will take an option to finance and distribute the film. The executive producers are John Aglialoro, a Trustee of The Atlas Society and The Objectivist Center, and Howard Baldwin, whose movie "Ray" won an Oscar for best actor (Jamie Foxx). Lionsgate will put around $35 million into the film.

The film will be based on a script of the first part of the novel, written by Jim V. Hart and reviewed by David Kelley, founder of The Atlas Society-The Objectivist Center. Hart also penned the script for the film "Contact," based on the novel by astronomer Carl Sagan. It is anticipated "Atlas" will be a multi- part film.

So far no actors have been cast; that will be done by the director, once one is chosen, in conjunction with the executive producers and Lionsgate.

Variety also reports that stars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are interested in parts in the film. This will come as no surprise to subscribers of The New Individualist. The current issue features the two on the cover, and in an article by the publication's editor, Robert Bidinotto, which looks at the interest in Rand's works among Hollywood's elite.

We will keep you apprised of further developments.
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