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Free Kindle Download: The Republican Party’s Civil War: Will Freedom Win?
Posted by Ed Hudgins on 4/07, 12:26pm

Free Kindle Download: The Republican Party’s Civil War: Will Freedom Win?


The Atlas Society this week is offering a free Kindle download of The Republican Party’s Civil War: Will Freedom Win, a new, provocative book by Dr. Edward Hudgins.


A fratricidal conflict is raging within the Republican Party between establishment Republicans, who simply want to make the welfare state work efficiently, extreme social conservatives who give priority to limiting liberty, and limited-government Republicans who favor freedom. At stake is the GOP’s very soul and whether the party—or the country—has a future at all.


Hudgins demonstrates how the GOP is in demographic decline. To survive and win elections, he argues for a radical realignment. Constituencies in the party that reject the restoration of liberty should be allowed—or asked—to leave. A modernist GOP should renew itself with fresh blood: entrepreneurial wealth creators, young people, and immigrants.


Download this book between now and Friday! Read it! Then rate it and review it on Amazon so that your voice for liberty will be heard!

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