While there is an explosive increase in begging in China's cities under the new economy, under Communism no one could spare the alms on which China's hordes of beggars thrive today, quite aside from the numbers of disabled children who would simply be euthanized under the former universally impoverished regime. The ve...(Read more...)
I wish I could have read this one a quarter-century ago: "There are a few (reportedly; in thirty years, I’ve never personally seen one) large companies that still value ingenuity above charm. Or, there may be select departments within otherwise odious companies that do so."(Read more...)
Five-part Critique of Schwartz Book Posted by sciabarra on 12/10/2004, 7:14am
SOLO readers will find much that is familiar in my five-part critique of Peter Schwartz's new book, The Foreign Policy of Self-Interest: A Moral Ideal for America. A lot of my series quotes liberally from previous SOLO and Free Radical essays (which is one of the reasons that I posted the series to the unsuspecting r...(Read more...)
Ayn Rand wrote, "Don't bother to examine a folly - ask what it accomplishes." In this article, Nobel Prize winner Steven Weinberg does both. "Intelligent Design" not only has no basis in science, but actually contradicts much of our actual knowledge of reality. It is being promoted for political reasons: if you were...(Read more...)
David Mayer writes this interesting piece about why he's voting for Bush. As with all of his writings, this one's filled with interesting philosophical insights. He's a master of putting things into context.
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On the eve of the DVD release of the original STAR WARS trilogy, the adventurous among you are invited to read THE HERO CYCLE AND OBJECTIVISM at the new site JUNGIAN OBJECTIVISM (http://jungianobjectivism.tripod.com). JUNGIAN OBJECTIVISM is an attempt to explore the common ground of the ideas of Ayn Rand and Carl Ju...(Read more...)
The roads of today need not be pitiful even by ancient standards. Privatization, argues G. Stolyarov II, would eliminate the need for virtually all significant road maintenance and repairs and return roads to an impeccable condition not witnessed since the days of Ancient Rome.
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As we knew from objective metaphysics and objective epistemology, both the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and its supposed alternative, the "Many Worlds Interpretation," had to be wrong. A recent experiment by Shariar S. Afshar has disconfirmed both of those interpretations. Afshar's results are consi...(Read more...)
Objectivist psychologist Dr. Michael Hurd offers a brief yet penetrating insight into the tragic conviction of self-made woman Martha Stewart.(Read more...)