Barry Loberfeld identifies a contradiction in Ayn Rand's thinking about foreign policy. Loberfeld contends that neo-Randians build upon this contradiction when they seek to justify military adventuring. (Read more...)
There's more to this than meets the eye. These dancers are all hearing impaired.Their incredible coordination is due to the cues they get from the directors at the side of the stage.
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Mr. Palmer, a member of SOLO, Senior Fellow of the Cato Institute and dilligent libertarian, has been loyally categorizing the disgusting actions of Rockwellians and their ilk. Particularly noxious is the first item that one can read, where Raimondo refers to Washington D.C. as "Israeli-occupied terrirtory". Warning:...(Read more...)
This is a first hand account of the horror story of the public sector electricity-generation plant in New Delhi. It parallels 'Atlas Shrugged' in every way.
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Opening Young Minds to Ayn Rand's Ideas Posted by Luke Setzer
on 6/07, 9:24am
The May 2005 issue of the Ayn Rand Institute (ARI) newsletter Impact has a cover story about the ARI Free Books to Teachers project. This project sends free classroom sets of Anthem and The Fountainhead to teachers who request them for classroom instruction and study. Thus far, the project has placed 152,000 novels i...(Read more...)
Note on TOC Summer Seminar Posted by Michelle Cohen
on 6/06, 1:46pm
Note to those planning to attend the TOC Summer Seminar: I withdrew from speaking at the seminar and my presentations will be replaced. Michelle Fram Cohen (Read more...)