"Make no mistake — I fully understand the importance of maintaining human relations. I simply don't think our entire existence should hinge on it. ... Yet solo-shaming persists, because being alone — even for a little while — is perceived by some as unusual or, in lots of cases, wrong. ... The biggest...(Read more...)
"The National Policy Institute, which Spencer runs, paid $10,564 to rent the 1,700-seat Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. No UF organization invited Spencer, the university said. UF said it and law enforcement agencies will spend more than $500,000 on security for the event. At the request of Alachua ...(Read more...)
"However, if God 'leaks' out of Christ and the sacramental life of the church into me, I can imagine myself as the sacrament, as God’s incarnated presence effecting change in the world through my cooperation with God's Spirit. I’ll believe God's using me to establish his kingdom on earth. These are the theo...(Read more...)
Antifa agitators shut down an event at the King's College in London featuring Ayn Rand Institute President Yaron Brook and anti-political-correctness YouTube personality Carl Benjamin (a.k.a. Sargon of Akkad).(Read more...)
Just over a year into a presidency already full of unusual precedents, President Trump has agreed to a North Korean offer, communicated through South Korean national security adviser Chung Eui-yong, to meet face to face with Kim Jong-un. Though such meetings have been bandied about in the past, no sitting U.S. presiden...(Read more...)
President Donald Trump on Monday rolled out his three-part plan to tackle the opioid epidemic -- including some programs long championed by public health advocates -- but it's the proposal to impose the death penalty on drug traffickers that has raised the most eyebrows.(Read more...)
Some mighty powerful subjectivism on the opposing side, the likes of which I don't know if I've ever really heard aside from an Ayn Rand villain.
...(Read more...)
When Liu Hu recently tried to book a flight, he was told he was banned from flying because he was on the list of untrustworthy people. Liu is a journalist who was ordered by a court to apologize for a series of tweets he wrote and was then told his apology was insincere.
...(Read more...)
A professor has taken a novel approach when it comes to dealing with the increasing number of students railing against and even shutting down academic ideas they don’t agree with: a contract.(Read more...)